male pattern baldness pattern & Genes?


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Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I have been browsing this site for quite some time but until now have only got round to registering. This is such an informative site, much better than any doctor or derm I've visited thats for sure.

Anyway, as of yet no one in my family have gone bald on top yet.
Heres a brief look at my family tree and the signs of male pattern baldness.

My Mums side:
One uncle (46) has had a nw3 which hasn't progressed at all since his 20's. (I think it was noticably receeding at my age, 18 )
His brother (49) has about a Norwood 2.5 now and slight thinning on the crown.
Their father has an nw2.5 an a thick head of hair. He's 78 though!

My dad's side has no male pattern baldness. Only mature hairlines.

Me, at the tender age of 18 already sport a receding hairline (nw2 I think) with thinning sides/temples and slight crown thinning and it doesn't seem to show any signs of stopping anytime soon.
So do you think that my hairline will follow suite of my Uncles and recede but still keep the frontal hair? or does the male pattern baldness gene take a route of its own? i.e everything all be gone on top in 5 years time (or less)

On a side note I found out late last year that I had a low iron count, so I took iron supliments for 4 weeks and stopped as I was sceptical that the low iron levels were causing the hairloss as its receding not difusing, and the tablets really irritated my stomach and bowels. (I will get my levels checked again soon though)

Anyway, thanks in advance. I will post pics soon when I get my camera back.


Senior Member
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Post some pics, as an 18 yr old a change to a mature hairline is natural maybe you will stay like that for the rest of your life. As for iron a ordinary healthy diet ie a few portions of fruit and veg a day would be sufficient in providing all the iron intake you need.