male pattern baldness trial in sweden


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They are currently testing a product that is based on "pollen".
Dont know wht its called in english but its the allergic sybstance that comes from flowers and that gived people a drippy nose and red eyes etc.
The article says that its a gel and that it had some promising results and that over 50% had a better growht.
About 245 people had previously
been in studys, in usa, japan and china.

The product is called "Recapeen" and the current study is being done by doctors at a big hospital/center in sweden.


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I did a google search and found alot of info on prostate enlargment.
As I understand its used as a natural inhibitor.
But that is taken orally, the drug that has been in study for male pattern baldness is a gel applyed topically.
Sounds alot like saw palm but the hospital that is doing the research is well respected and goverment owned and they are doing alot of medicinal research.
The current swedish study inwolves 20men that will use the gel for 10months.

I found the company that make this this stuff and they had some patented products based n their patented "extract".
One was for men ans supposed to be taken rally, they stated that it was for men and it was anSOD.
Supposedly it helped the immune system against colds etc.
They also said that clinical testing showed that men who used it had better workout results then the placebogroup (36men vs 14placebo)


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thanks rill

20 men, thats not a vey big study
but i guess its a start

anyway its allway good to know that these other treatments in the pipeline

i have seen about 10 so far this year

so maybe one or two will reach the market


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kiwi1973 said:
the say Hardening of the hair follicles causes baldness

Thats ironic that the main solution (propecia) causes softening of another body part! :hairy: