man boobs


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does anyone know how fast they develop when they do? when is the average time someone realizes if finasteride is causing man boobs or not.

if it does develop is my only option to quit or is there an alternative something i can do to stay on finasteride and not develop it?/



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Hi mate,

You could be having increased estrogen levels as a result of finasteride which would cause gyno (Gynecomastia). You can usually tell if the pec or/and nipples become sore and sensative. If you are experiencing this I'd seriously go seek medical advice unless you want boobs ofc.


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I'd like to know about this too. I started finasteride about 6 weeks ago and have noticed a lump in my right chest under the nipple- the thing is, my right nipple has always been more swollen and puffy than the left, and doesn't seem to look appreciably different now. I think there's a possibility that it's always been there and I just never noticed because, well, I was never looking for it. Also, until quite recently I was pretty overweight, which would make it very hard for me to determine any gyno developing then. Plus, talking to my mother, she noted that members of her side of the family are greatly predisposed to develop benign cysts.

For the record, I have no pain, even if I press hard on it. I've noticed sensitivity over the past couple of days but that might be because I keep rubbing them like a paranoid pervert, haha.

For now, I'm stopping the finasteride for a week to see if anything changes, and am going today to go get some Diindolylmetyhane capsules to be on the safe side.


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We need a Gyno suffer in here to accurately describe the symptoms...but I've heard that your chest gets really sore and almost a burning sensation. I also don't know that you could develop a lump THAT quickly while being on finasteride.

I remember when I first read that you could get gyno on finasteride. I'd been on it for about 6 months. About a week later my chest was sore and pretty painful. I FREAKED THE sh*t OUT!!! Then I realized a few days later that it probably had to do with the fact that I changed up my workout and was doing more chest exercises :)


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Rawtashk said:
We need a Gyno suffer in here to accurately describe the symptoms...but I've heard that your chest gets really sore and almost a burning sensation. I also don't know that you could develop a lump THAT quickly while being on finasteride.

Gyno sufferer here. Always had little man-boobs but finasteride definitely made it worse. I also work out and have some chest muscles so the gyno on top of that looks even more awkward. And yeah, I had soreness on nipple area while on finasteride.


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Well, I went to a specialist, and ding ding ding it's gynecomastia. Now, I don't know if it started before finasteride or after, since this isn't the kind of thing I would check for before. BUT, to be on the safe side I'm considering stopping finasteride.

Here's my question: If I stop finasteride (which I have already greatly reduced in dosage; .625 every three days) and increase my other treatments, is it reasonable to think they can pick up the slack?

Thing is, I'm 99% sure it's the minoxidil that's doing the heavy lifting for me. I think I'm abnormally responsive. I started seeing new growth two weeks into treatment, and finasteride doesn't work that fast. My beard is thicker, my eyebrows are thicker, my shoulders are hairier- all signs that point to minoxidil. If I increase to 1mg/day from .75 and maybe upgrade to the 2% nizoral I think I might be able to at least keep what I've gained already if not get any better. Or should I bite the bullet and try topical spironolactone or something?


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KeepinIt...I would venture to say that the overall thickness in body hair isn't due to minoxidil. As far as I'm aware, it only works where you apply it...and I'm hoping you're not bathing in that stuff!!
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guy83 said:
does anyone know how fast they develop when they do? when is the average time someone realizes if finasteride is causing man boobs or not.

if it does develop is my only option to quit or is there an alternative something i can do to stay on finasteride and not develop it?/


Yes, as mentioned by the others, your case is more like a problem in your hormones. You are supposed to have more testosterone than estrogen, the hormone responsible for a girl's transformation to a lady.

Talk to your doctor about this.


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I think this is a type of fatness. In most of the cases it occurs due to heavy dieting. But it can be reduced by running and fat burning exercises. Thank you.

Man Boobs