man oh man.


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i keep getting so bummed out by this. diffuse looks pretty bad for the last year. i'm having a hard time coping, and the itching and the amout i loose in the shower is driving me nuts. everytime i rub my head i see like a bunch of hairs fall out. can't be good. the hair is getting thinner too.... sorry if this is depressing, just needed to say something .


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have you been doing treatments for the past year too or have you just started?


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dude, if the hairs falling out and the itching sucks, i recommend buzzing your hair real short, you won't notice the fall out, and it will probably help your itching, especially if you added nizoral.


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May I ask why you're on a lower dosage of finasteride? Bad sides?


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ya, i keep my hair really number 0 with the clippers. Still is crazy. man, ya i was losing serious sex drive on finasteride.... still pretty much the same. as if losing hair wasn't already making me feel old... now my gf asks why i'm not horny like normal guys...akk


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jimmystanley, I'm not very experienced int hese matter, but one thing I can tell you.. if it grew once, there is always the possiblity of growing again!

Remember.. the seeds are there.. and if they are resting.. they might always wake up!

don't loose hope my friend!


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When I started revivogen, I had some shed for a few months, and I think that's what's going on with you now. Sexual side effects at 13 months? You really should consider getting off of finasteride. It'll take a few weeks, but you'll get back to normal sexually.
I've done OK with just revivogen for the past yr, but I think I'm going to add spironolactone to the mix since I've thinned a bit at the temples (I was thinning at the temples even when I was on finasteride, so...). I know, i know, it's annoying to apply topicals three seperate times a day. But if it allows you to keep your hair and your libido, it can't be all bad.
Good luck.
PS I've just gone "experienced"! Wowweeeeee....... :freaked:


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yarbird...what does gone experienced mean?... also, how much hair loss are you noticing each day? (in the shower...after scratching...after brushing... all in total) thanks


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"Experienced" means I have over 200 posts. I'm a man of few words, so that's an accomplishment for me.
How much hairloss do I have in the shower?
Jimmy, come on man. I don't count that. I'm talking about how much hair I *see* on my head. That's what I'm worried about. I'd say I'm not much worse off than when I was on proscar. Almost the same.
After being off proscar for almost 8 months, that's a minor victory I think.
Sorry, I'm drunk now.


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i remember a show called man-o-man years and years ago, it was a male hunk competition and i remeber it was a bald man that won.


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jimmystanley said:
now my gf asks why i'm not horny like normal guys...akk

Girlfriend asks: Why aren't you as horny as "normal" guys?

Jimmystanley answers: Well, with Susane from work, Linda from down the street and Rebecca from the local grocery shop....its not that I'm not as horny, I'm just tired baby. So much love to spread around.

That is what I would of said. :p

Tony M.


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i've done it.

but only after a night of partying, don't want to give you the idea that i was sitting here with a bottle of whiskey sifting through the hairloss stories. :)


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ha ha...funny stuff guys (brasil) Well, If's kind of ironic. cause now i'm not the little horny bull who only wants sex, and i'm finding that a lot of girls are attracted to that. but when u actually get them, it's only like.. at most twice a night. what to do...what to do...