man, when is the loss gonna stop


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just need some reassurance i think. I went through a couple sheds (which was just basically an INCREASE in hair loss) that have stopped i believe, but the thing is i'm about to be finished with month 4 (one more pill) and i'm still losing hairs. Even though i believe my overall hair is decently better, i'm still seeing hairs fall out. Not any huge amounts, or clumps, but everytime i look around at all the papers on my desk i always see one. or two. I guess i'm just waiting for this to STOP or slow down a lot so i can really regaine some ground here. I almost feel like i'm gaining as much as i'm losing here lately. For those with success, long term like over 8 months or so, do you still notice hairs falling out all the time, but just know they will grow back healthy? or has hair loss slowed down to a point where you don't notice it somewhere around you (desk, table, sink) EVERYDAY. i'm just tired of seeing the loss.

is four full months still too early to dramatically cut down on the loss?


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i see in your regimen that you are taking saw palmetto (SP). Why don't you stop taking the saw palmetto since there is no hard evidence that it has any effect on hairloss....i was suckered into the whole SP belief but i stopped taking it and saw that my hair was getting better without it....give it a try and ditch the SP for a while!!! good luck


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alright, alright. i've met so much negativity with the whole taking saw palmetto thing. I started with it, and i was gonna continue for a while just because i was having good results and didn't want to mess with my regimen. but.... since i am still shedding, i guess i will try and get off the saw palmetto.. but i swear, if you guys are wrong and i go bald in a few months, i'm coming after you guys, especially you!!! :) but if the shedding does subside, i will owe you all my deepest apology. here we go!!


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I'm on a lot of things (check out my regimen), but I've seen significant regrowth in just four months. Normally my wife is completely uninterested in this, but tonight she commented that the top of my head had filled in quite well and that she could see regrowth along my hairline.

I suggest that you add 2% Nizoral to your regimen. You've been around long enough to know that it works, and you have to wash your hair anyway. I also suggest that you add Folligen o your regimen. I know not as many people believe in this stuff, but let me tell you why I do.

I have always had a scraggly beard. When I started figting hair loss, in my research I ran across the fact that copper peptides are good for skin health. So I started used Pickart's CP Serum on my face and neck. You know what happened? My beard graually started coming in thicker. It's still scraggly, but it is definitely much fuller than it was. So I'm convinced that for me anyway, copper peptides work to promote regrowth. Since they are clinically proven to help with skin health, I think they should be a part of every regimen. Folligen is much stronger and cheaper than Tricomin, so that's what I use, although I used Tricomin in the past.


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is it annoying like rogaine? where you can't style your hair/shower at certain times.


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Trent8 said:
alright, alright. i've met so much negativity with the whole taking saw palmetto thing. I started with it, and i was gonna continue for a while just because i was having good results and didn't want to mess with my regimen. but.... since i am still shedding, i guess i will try and get off the saw palmetto.. but i swear, if you guys are wrong and i go bald in a few months, i'm coming after you guys, especially you!!! :) but if the shedding does subside, i will owe you all my deepest apology. here we go!!
You need to keep in mind that out of the somewhat 300 people I've personally encountered on here, who used saw palmetto for 3 months or more, exactly 100% of them reported that they did nothing but shed, shed, shed, shed shed while on it. That includes me.

Of the 100% of people who were shedding while on Saw Palmetto, 100% of them reported the shedding finally stopped after stopping the SP. That includes me. My uneasiness with SP extends further than just the debate on the lack of studies. Personal experience and 6 years of watching people talk about it here plays a big role too.


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alright, that was the kicker! screw SP!!!!!

and thanks for letting me kinda learn about it my own way, at least trying it, instead of just saying "you are an idiot trent, and you need to get off it now." i really do appreciate your advice.

kinda funny, i'm actually a little bit excited about stopping it, perhaps this will be an even bigger turning point in my hair loss fight, propecia has already helped immensely, perhaps this will put me over the edge, and as soon as finals are over i'm going to throw nizoral into the mix like 2 times a week i think.


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First thing i noticed when I stopped it was an extreme increase in morale. For some reason I had some serious depression while on it that went away within about 24 to 48 hours. I really felt good after stopping it.


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6, i'm actually also taking an herbal supplement called pygeum as well. this pill, along with pygeum, has zinc and copper supplements. It was recommended by ol' spencer in "bald truthy" book. Any opinions on this? I think i'll probably keep using it, it has lecithin as well, so probably good for me to take anyway. what do you think??


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Trent8 said:
is it annoying like rogaine? where you can't style your hair/shower at certain times.
No, copper peptides, whether Folligen or Tricomin, dry within about 20 minutes and leave no residue in your hair. I notice that with Folligen my hair is not quite as soft as before putting it in, but that's it. These products are nothing like Rogaine.


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0, how can u claim that shedding on SP = bad... get off it... yet shedding on finasteride = good... ride it out...?


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Isn't the difference obvious? Finasteride may cause initial shedding, but for most people, it then causes regrowth or at least maintenance. Saw Palmetto doesn't.