

Established Member
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Hi all, i have a friend whos been using this product and it has given an excellent concealing effects.

Im currently on Nanogen but i will be making a switch. My friends hair looks really good and he said that the concealer is organic.


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No way is this stuff better than Nanogen! This is 1980's style concealer.


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Im seeing my friend again later today but i was wearing nanogen and he was using Mane. His hairloss was always more advanced than mine yet at the moment he is only using the concealer but his hair looks better than mine.


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Its pretty much like spray paint in a can.


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m.gibson said:
Hi all, i have a friend whos been using this product and it has given an excellent concealing effects.

Im currently on Nanogen but i will be making a switch. My friends hair looks really good and he said that the concealer is organic.

Those pictures are the usual parted hair with flash before, comb over with no flash after. It is hard to tell if the stuff helps or not.

Dermmatch looks great if you don't have overhead lighting. With overhead lighting, everyone will ask my why my scalp is brown.


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The demonstration video on there is pretty impressive, I am curious...... Mind you I've seen great results with DermMatch online too, and when I use it, it's about as convincing as brown paint on my head.

Vinton Harper

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Esprit said:
The demonstration video on there is pretty impressive, I am curious...... Mind you I've seen great results with DermMatch online too, and when I use it, it's about as convincing as brown paint on my head.
Do you use fibers as well as Dermmatch? Of course if you have prominent thinning and only use Dermmatch, it will not look as good. Use fibers over Dermmatch and it is pretty undetectable. I went to a BA Hair Apparent convention with my Dermmatch and fibers on, and BA even told me if I can get the results that I get with concealers that I should just keep doing that for now. A couple of the guys there came up and inspected my head, along with my before pictures that I had brought along to show how much I was actually thinning(considerably).
Dermmatch + Fibers = Pretty Damn Convincing head of hair.


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Hi Vinton, to be totally honest with you, I bought the Derm so I could cut down on the fibres use and maybe have some coverage in the morning when every last fibre rubs off on my pillow, (and makes it look like a dirty protest!) because the fibres aren't lasting that long for me. Anyway.... the result I got was exactly the same look as if I'd just used the fibres, like I normally do anyway. Don't suppose you could show me your before and after? Understand if you don't. What happens if you just used the fibres?

What is the BA show?