Mansome " - Morgan Spurlock Interviews Spex And Dr Feller Fo


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A post on behalf of Spex.


An interesting chain of events has lead me to announce here about an upcoming movie about male grooming called " Mansome " directed and produced by Morgan Spurlock ( Supersize me Movie )


I met with Morgan Spurlock one night in London several months ago for a few beers and we hit it off famously. We met through a mutual friend who had informed Morgan about my involvement with the hair loss and hair transplant community along with my own journey and my role and double life in the industry as " Spex".

Morgan was keen to meet up a couple of times and find out more about this hidden epidemic of hair loss and the industry generally for his upcoming movie, Mansome. The movie is a documentary and involves several A list celebrities and their grooming habits along with a bunch of everyday guys and their own plights. Names involved that i know of and also had pleasure of meeting one of them are, Zach Galifianakis, Will Arnett, Paul Rudd, Jason Bateman, Morgan etc

Morgan was truly fascinated by hair transplant's and mine in particular along with the lengths we hair loss suffers go to to stop, conceal and regrow our hair in order to regain our confidence, identity and self esteem and he found it pretty awesome that hair transplant's could in fact look so natural after rummaging through mine on more than one occasion. I also hooked him up with a couple of other patients in London. He is known to the world as a harsh critic, yet he was genuinely blown away by the hair transplants disclosed to him.

Well only a few weeks ago Morgan called me up to discuss ' The Mansome Movie ' further as he wanted to try feature Hair transplants within it as he and his production team felt it appropriate for the movie alongside other relevant segments and suggested an entire piece could well be dedicated to hair transplant's potentially if we were willing to help him.

Cut to now... I just returned back from a whistle stop mission to NYC - (i will not bore you with those details) where we filmed an entire day with his team up at Feller Medical and both Dr Feller and I were interviewed at great length for the segment.The day was great and a very long one in order to include everything. Along with interviews with us and with patients, Dr Feller was filmed at work performing surgery too on a UK patient.

We very much hope that some of the footage gets used in the movie as it would be awesome and will undoubtedly help educate and inform the masses via the silver screen regarding hair transplant's accurately, once and for all.

Morgan and Spex after a few too many beers last month


The Mansome movie premiers at The Tribeca Film Festival mid April and Morgan has mentioned if we make the final cut we will get to meet all the stars involved which is really exiting!

Keep you all informed.




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Wow.....saf I did not realise you were sped......and you are a good looking guy as well.."....even your hair looks ok in them pics


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Ben said:
Spex is not allowed to personally post on here so SAF posted it on his behalf.

And it kills me that he can't.

Please nobody think Spex not being allowed to post has anything to do with character. I think highly of Spex and if I ever got an hair transplant I would speak to him first. I honestly think it would be worth the trip from Atlanta to London.


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Rules are rules ...

I dont think anyone would have a problem with Spex being on here but if you allowed him to post you'd also have to allow any other representives on here and it would turn into a complete shillfest.


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s.a.f said:
Rules are rules ...

I dont think anyone would have a problem with Spex being on here but if you allowed him to post you'd also have to allow any other representives on here and it would turn into a complete shillfest.
Thank you for realizing that. For every good fellow like Spex we have a thousand people trying to ruin it.

Mr. 4000

I have a problem with Spex

simply because no one is above money and he works for a doctor that is a total idiot at times.

Spex is a lure and the doctor knows it

why talk to these assholes about hair transplant's, just ask patients that have been in the chair

asking those that make money off the industry is like asking the rich about how government works

Spex, spencer, they are all corrupt on some level, they have to, it is their life


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chrisdav1 said:
Foul language and slandering Spex publically especially from such an individual needs sorting by moderator ..... Or is it ok to be evil and disgusting and disrespectful on this forum

It really is ok and I think I can safely speak for Spex in that it doesn't bother him. It's just the way forums work and personally I have been accused of being paid off by countless people. We let it go on as long as the person doesn't become obsessive about it. Everyone has a right to speak their mind assuming it doesn't get too repetitive.

hair transplant discussions seem to especially be hostile and a reason why we have never put any effort whatsoever in growing the hair transplant forum.


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Mr. 4000 said:
I have a problem with Spex

simply because no one is above money and he works for a doctor that is a total idiot at times.

And also happens to be probably the most reputable Dr in the industry and has been for almost 10 yrs.

M. 4000 said:
Spex is a lure and the doctor knows it

asking those that make money off the industry is like asking the rich about how government works

Spex, spencer, they are all corrupt on some level, they have to, it is their life

Its well known that Spex spent about 4 yrs acting as a hair transplant consultant seeing 100's of guys for free on his own time whilst recieving no payment at all from Dr Feller.
If you knew the guy you'd know that whatever money he might recieve from Feller is nothing more than expenses. Spex certainly is'nt making his living from the hair transplant industry. And as someone already said he's already in a position financially where he does'nt need to.


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I contacted Spex and in fairness I will give him a reply as I would anyone else.

Hi mate,

Thanks for the email. Please feel free to post my reply :

First of all this hair transplant forums and the vast majority of guys/girls posting in it are a great bunch and I've met or corresponded with many of them over the years. I very much appreciate the kind words posted about me and sorry I am not able to post and interact daily on here and help educate however you have some great veterans such as SAF etc to help.

I must admit that generally I couldn't care what negative sh*t people post about me on forums the people that do tend to be nasty pieces of work anyway and and don't know anything about me nor ever met me. These people hide behind keyboards locked away in their mummy's attic and tend to be industry haters and they need to point their anger and hate at someone.

I do my best to educate and mentor guys from all clinics who want help and give my time to so many for free and have done for over 10 years ........... yet I'm the a**h**.

I can honestly say this is the first time I've been referred to as an a**h** however the guy obviously doesn't know a thing about me or ever met me or why I have offered to help 1000's of guys at my own expense over the years and get paid peanuts by Dr Feller for my role as patient mentor and showcase in the UK.

Any further arguing from this point should be directly done with Spex.

Mr. 4000

you guys can worship the guy if you want that is your choice

I rather not because he work for Feller, enough said

I am not saying the guy worthless, he does have a resume, but he is still a sales rep and making money to get people in the chair

sorry can't have it both ways


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I in no way agree with Mr. 4000 on any level, and do think he is mentally unstable, but I'm glad he is allowed to voice his opinion without being censored, on many hair transplant forums, he would have already been banned and his comments quickly removed. In fact, on most forums.


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chrisdav1 said:
Foul language and slandering Spex publically especially from such an individual needs sorting by moderator ..... Or is it ok to be evil and disgusting and disrespectful on this forum

For fucks sake, grow up.


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Mr. 4000 said:
you guys can worship the guy if you want that is your choice

I rather not because he work for Feller, enough said

I am not saying the guy worthless, he does have a resume, but he is still a sales rep and making money to get people in the chair

sorry can't have it both ways

I can tell that you've never met Spex. Have you?

Why not ask some of the guys who have met with Spex despite already having booked hair transplant's with other clinics?
He does not sell procedures on behalf of Feller he simply gives advice on surgery. He's not commision paid Feller simply pays him because he uses his hair transplant and pics as an example of what can be achieved.

I'd like you to suggest someone better to go to for info on hair transplant's.