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does anyone think using propecia and marrying somone is tricking them? ie they may marry you thinking you have hair but then 3 or 4 years down the line when the the treatments dont work anymore.

theyll be angry or dissapointed an think what the heck happned. lol


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Hey Honey, I'm cheating on you with Rogaine.

If she takes that attitude then screw the b**ch, she's not worth marrying.


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If you're at the point that you are going to marry her she should already know you take Propecia. Period.


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yes it is tricking them in much the same way that if she put on weight.

going bald and going fat both alter one's appearance.

definite cause for divorce!!?!!

:freaked2: :freaked: :shock: :lol:


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ginald said:
yes it is tricking them in much the same way that if she put on weight.

going bald and going fat both alter one's appearance.

definite cause for divorce!!?!!

:freaked2: :freaked: :shock: :lol:


LOL. Yea take the propecia until you get married and then stop right after. :lol:


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Then you'll start losing hair after you're married and you can blame her for it. That way she'll let you out to play golf everyday to calm yourself. Work on that swing of yours. If you don't play golf, take it up.


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badasshairday said:
LOL. Yea take the propecia until you get married and then stop right after. :lol:

Is'nt that what women do with their diets?


Established Member
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no....only joking, girls.....if you're looking's us men who give that up ....we're at our sexual peak at 18 ....

at my age these days i run for cover when the little lady gets frisky :freaked:


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i never told my fiance i used propecia until my dick stopped working. then i had to come forth and tell her. we both agreed it wasn't worth it so i quit.


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worriedmale said:
does anyone think using propecia and marrying somone is tricking them? ie they may marry you thinking you have hair but then 3 or 4 years down the line when the the treatments dont work anymore.

theyll be angry or dissapointed an think what the heck happned. lol

what about women who use makeup to hide a horrid face, or stay in shape just long enough to marry you, and then blow up? Everyone does this stuff. As long as you plan to stay on propecia, it is all good.


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ginald said:
no....only joking, girls.....if you're looking's us men who give that up ....we're at our sexual peak at 18 ....

at my age these days i run for cover when the little lady gets frisky :freaked:

I think it has little to do with age. It has to do with looks. When are hot at age 18 because they just need to be in shape, and not fat. They don't need muscle. So their looks peak then because their face looks young. Thus men have a strong sex drive at a young age. Older men don't get it up, and run for cover, because their women no longer look good. As for women, they are friskier later in life because at age 30 is when most men have had time to build some muscle. Most 18 year old men just don't have any. Yeah, some do. Those are the ones with the frisky 18 year old girlfriends. Just get in shape, and make your partner get in shape, and your problems will magically disappear.


collegechemistrystudent said:
ginald said:
no....only joking, girls.....if you're looking's us men who give that up ....we're at our sexual peak at 18 ....

at my age these days i run for cover when the little lady gets frisky :freaked:

I think it has little to do with age. It has to do with looks. When are hot at age 18 because they just need to be in shape, and not fat. They don't need muscle. So their looks peak then because their face looks young. Thus men have a strong sex drive at a young age. Older men don't get it up, and run for cover, because their women no longer look good. As for women, they are friskier later in life because at age 30 is when most men have had time to build some muscle. Most 18 year old men just don't have any. Yeah, some do. Those are the ones with the frisky 18 year old girlfriends. Just get in shape, and make your partner get in shape, and your problems will magically disappear.

Are you joking? Most men get fat as they age. I guess that should actually be big turn off for women but it is just in their nature to get hornier in their 30s.


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hmmm...yeah, you have a point there. Maybe that is why it is so easy for women to go get laid at bars, but men tend to wait in line more. I know lots of guys in my level of shape who sleep with fat women at bars, but I never hear of hot women having sex with those guys. I think maybe men are hornier because it is socially acceptable for women to show off their bodies, but men are supposed to wear baggy clothes that hide any ripped muscles and only show the overall size.


collegechemistrystudent said:
hmmm...yeah, you have a point there. Maybe that is why it is so easy for women to go get laid at bars, but men tend to wait in line more. I know lots of guys in my level of shape who sleep with fat women at bars, but I never hear of hot women having sex with those guys. I think maybe men are hornier because it is socially acceptable for women to show off their bodies, but men are supposed to wear baggy clothes that hide any ripped muscles and only show the overall size.

Another reason why it is so easy for women to get laid is that men always do the first step. if you are a shy guy your chance of getting laid at bars is very low if you aren´t really good looking.