Massage and cold water


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I am a firm believer in emersing your head in a sink of clod water twice a day and massaging as the blood flows like mad around the scalp. I have started doing it again after years and my hair is already in much better shape. Coupled with all other treatments it can hardly do any harm for an extra 5-10 mins a day.


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Hmm, cold water usually will constrict blood vessels, decreasing blood flow.


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it will do that while your head is immersed in the water, but ultimately cold water immersion will improve lymphatic drainage and bloodflow. athletes use this method all the time to speed up recovery.

dalek - i use cold water immersion but in green tea :) just as an experiment.


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I think that if those techniques would be of any benefit they would be standards for hair loss treatments, since the first man who had hairloss, back in the caves era, surely thought he could cure it by increasing blood flow to the scalp.

I think it´s the first treatment every man thinks of, "if grass grows with water, why can´t I grow more hair with more blood??". So millions of men should have tried it with, obviously, no results.

I´ve heard blood flow is pretty heavy in the head, as the brain needs constant sugar intake. Try to cut your head, blood flows like a fountain!

Then, increasing blood flow to the scalp would be useless, it already has a lot of blood.


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a better person to comment on this would be stephen foote. he knows a lot about lymphatic drainage etc.


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Solo said:
I think that if those techniques would be of any benefit they would be standards for hair loss treatments, since the first man who had hairloss, back in the caves era, surely thought he could cure it by increasing blood flow to the scalp.


Actually, the cold water blast is a standard practice from back in the olden days. Even just recently I read that you should wash your hair in warm water but rinse in cool.

This haircare book I'd purchased back before many of today's treatments became available, recommended a cold blast of water in the shower over your head for a few seconds - suppsoedley to aid in scalp circulation.

I still do that from time to time - shower, rinse, turn off the hot water and wait for the blast. Wakes your arse up in the AM if nothing else.

I can confirm from personal experience - that if you have problems with oily hair - that the cold water blast technique helps clear up excess oils also.


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I use cold water while rinsing shampoo, hair feels good when i get out, but damn, i cop shrinkage also :lol:


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Then, increasing blood flow to the scalp would be useless, it already has a lot of blood.

Wrong, you can actually feel the warmth of the blood flowing through your scalp after this emersion. It isn't there when I don't do it. I also put apple cider vinegar in the cold water before I dip. The hardest time is in the winter when the water really is cold. What have you got to loose doing it?

I am going to do it twice a a day anyway.