Massive Hairloss


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Record of what?


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That is funny, cause the other day I was thinking.....I wonder when that record will be broken.

Freaking crap.........


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There is a worm out there right now that sets off automated attacks on forums such as this. I run a baseball forum that today showed 216 users online at one time. We checked the logs and discovered that many of those "users" were actually infected machines trying to attack our servers. We're immune to the attacks, and I assume the server running this forum is as well, so those attacking machines each show up as a user on the system.

These attacks use up bandwidth, but on servers that are updated properly, other than that they do nothing but make the user count look higher than it really is.


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Chujgcha said:
Brasileirao said:
That is funny, cause the other day I was thinking.....I wonder when that record will be broken.

Hey Tooony!

What a sad life... :lol: :D
kidding kidding...

You have the right to tie rocks to your fists and come at me like a windmill

After all, I started this thread. :D

take care maaiin!!!

That is funny meng cause after I wrote this, I thought the same thing....that is "tie a rock to my fist and come at you like a windmill" LOL!! I kid, I kid...

Anywho main, Im way to annnnaaalitical, I notice everything...

Over and OUT!

Tony Montana