Massive Shed w/ DIM plus and calcium D-gluconate


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Over the past year my hair has been holding steady. No progress, but no losses...which I am fine with. My regiment:

am: shower: head and shoulders
5% minoxidil - on dry head
1200 mg fish oil
1000 mg CLA
1000 mg Curcumin
1200mg Reservatrol
Multi Vit.
Biotin (not sure dosage)

pm: same supplementation at dinner
shower: Nizoral
15% minoxidil w. alzeac acid
15 minutes w/laser

The only change to my hair loss protocol and supplementation has been to add DIM + Calcium D-Gluconate in the AM and PM (using for 2 months). All of a sudden I am experiencing a massive shed. I have read that DIM is supposed to help with hair retention but so far it is not my experience. Anyone have experience shedding on DIM plus + Calcium D-gluconate? Any comments would be greatly appreciated, I am freaking out!


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Yfeah i'm researching this because I've been using dim and my shed is crazy! I just combed it and for the 2nd day I shed 520 hairs! That's 520/2 = 260 hairs a day!!! I can't remember the last time this happened.

Thinking it may be the dim.