Massive Shedding 5 Months After Stopping Propecia.


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Hi. I began noticing hair loss a few years ago. I finally decided to do something about it and started taking Rogaine foam twice daily. I then started 1.25mg finasteride a month later. I was noticing some hair regrowth a few months later and was pleased with the results and took it continously for a year. I didn't think I was experiencing much side effects from finasteride. But a year later I was noticing very drastic reduction in my libido and I seemed to have loss all interest in women. My behavior and attitude also seemed more passive. I felt finasteride was gradually lowering my libido over time being very subtle. I then decided to stop taking finasteride and the first week I stopped taking it, my libido was on overdrive and I couldn't get sex off my mind. That's when I was able to see what effect finasteride was having on me. Since that 1st week I stopped, my libido gradually went back down but was still higher than what it was while I was on finasteride. I didn't notice any immediate hair loss from stopping finasteride so I thought I guess I didn't really need it. I did continue to see Rogaine twice daily.

Let's fast forward 5 months later. Now I'm experiencing massive shedding. I mean tons and tons of hair on my bed, my desk, just everywhere. Which now I realize finasteride was working for me in stopping hair loss and am now suffering the consequences from no longer using it. I am considering going back to finasteride but the side effects are frightening to me. I feel stuck in a corner having to choose between my hair or my libido. I was considering perhaps maybe taking a lower dosage. Perhaps 0.5mg or 0.25mg. How effective would this dosage be? Would it lessen the side effects? All the hair I shed during the 5 month period while off finasteride, would it regrow once I restart finasteride? I just don't know what to do at this point.