Massive shedding due to crusty, hardened, scalp sebum


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After shampooing nearly every single day for couple of years with Nizoral, it caused my scalp dry out.

So I started to only shampoo twice a week, and that seems to have backfired as my sebum built up over time to become a solid crusty white layer.

Would sebum that gets hardened over time, prevent my hairs from growing? Therefore, cause it to fall out by the handful (literally)?

I'm going through a massive,massive shed. The kind of shed where you say to yourself, "this is the end of the frickin world"!! :sobbing:

Maybe the hardened sebum held the hair in place, and now that I am washing diligently they are all shedding at once?


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Hi, we must be in the same boat.
I am also in a constant battle to work out if I should wash my hair more or less.

I need to wash my hair everyday, especially in summer because I seem to produce more sebum in summer. My scalp can usually tolerate the washing well, but sometimes I will get irritation or itching, so I decide to not wash for a couple of days.
Then what happens is sebum builds up and I get inflammation in the follicles and hairs start to fall out. I look at the hairs that fall out and I see a ball of sebum(with dht) on the hair root.

I don't know where you live but is it getting warmer(summer) there? Try not wearing a hat and keep the scalp cool by washing with cold water.

It might balance out after a while. Maybe you are getting a lot of sebum because your hair is used to being washed every day with harsh products.
Use something more mild for a week


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Also, I never really liked minoxidil in the first place. I felt that it was doing more damage than good, by blocking the sebum in the follicle from being able to naturally come out. Especially with oily hair like mine.