Masturbated hours after operation paranoid as hell


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Man I hate myself, I'm 2 months out been extremely careful with everything cause I know myself how paranoid I can get about stuff.

But then out of nowhere thought what if masturbation ruins the grafts. I masturbated the day of the operation cause I couldn't sleep and sometimes it helps me fall asleep months have gone by where I didn't give it a second thought but out of nowhere I've worked myself up over it so much... So now I've been reading all answers by doctors on realself about this topic and it feels like they don't now and say you should refrain from it cause it raises blood pressure which can pop out grafts. Also a doctor on hair restoration network says he has had patients who popped out grafts after masturbation and says you should refrain for 72 hours.

Also I've been reading studies for hours about masturbation and increase in blood pressure thinking if it could have popped my grafts out. I've even masturbated just now and checked my heart beat while doing it to check if it elevated alot.

I hate myself so much why am I like this. Feel like I ruined everything. Even if it grows in well I will probably think that it would be thicker if I didn't masterbate.


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Firstly, you need to be calm and relax because stressing will only accelerate your hair loss. What's done is done and can't be changed so no use stressing until you see if anything does happen.

Secondly, you need to completely stop masturbating. If you have Male Patterned Balding, that means you are sensitive to DHT (the hormone that causes hair loss). When you masturbate there's a spike in Testosterone, and this means more Testosterone available to convert to DHT. Thus resulting in hair loss or thinning.

You might think, just because it's a short spike it's okay. No, it's not. Even just a spike is enough to cause a ripple effect that will cause alot of hair loss/thinning.

There's tons of false information on the internet saying that masturbaring doesn't cause hairloss. It's bullshit. Scientists themselves don't know everything about Hair Loss so it's actually funny how people claim with such certainty what does and doesn't cause hair loss.

Basically, if you have male pattern baldness and are susceptible to DHT, masturbation will accelerate hairloss.

Honestly, I myself used to battle to break the habit of occasionally masturbating. But once I found this truth out, it became easy for me to stop. I always suspected masturbating accelerated thinning/hairloss because by the next day after masturbating I could notice my hair get thinner. I was very sensitive to DHT.

But once my hair started getting really thin due to increased masturbation, and I found a thread on a Hairloss Forum about how Masturbation accelerates Hairloss in people susceptible to male pattern baldness/DHT, and the thread had a poll which had a unanimous vote of forum members who voted that masturbation did accelerate hairloss. It confirmed my suspicions and I stopped masturbating ever since. My hair has also thanked me and has since gotten thicker. Slowly.


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Jesus man what do you think is gonna happen, you shoot your load into a sock then wake up the next morning to a pile of hair on the pillow and the smell of broken dreams.

Your hair will be fine, based on what you guys are saying you shouldn’t have sex either then.


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I believe @Paranoid1998 was definitely as his name says, paranoid, abit overboard regarding the hair grafts physically "popping out". I don't think that's possible. I do however believe that your hair follicles can be affected. Only if you are susceptible to male pattern baldness. You might be lucky that since it's transplanted hair, from a DHT resistant area of the scalp, it might be less sensitive. But i wouldn't masturbate in future if I were you, especially if your gut is telling you its bad.

What helps to cut down on the habit of fapping, is to delete every p**rn movie, video, picture, bookmark, website from all your devices. When you have them at your disposal, it's almost impossible to break the habit.

@LW94 I don't think sex affects hair like masturbation. I'm not certain why sex doesn't react the same as masturbation, but then again, not everything is known about hairloss so we can also never rule it out.

All we know is that a large number of male pattern baldness sufferers have reported they felt their hair thinned/accelerated hair loss after masturbating. I believe people know their own bodies better than anyone else. And everyone responds differently. Even doctors and specialists don't know everything.

Some cynics would say, your body doesn't know the difference between having sex and masturbation. But i think that's wrong. The brain knows exactly whats happening at all times.
And so, possibly, different pathways are activated when you masturbate as compared to when you have sex.

If you workout at gym, you'd be familiar with the affect of mind-muscle connection. So probably in that same way, different pathways are activated when you masturbate.

Either way, it's a damn good reason to give up masturbating asap.


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You don't believe in the mind-muscle connection that the greatest athletes and bodybuilders live upon ?

Are you a scientist that knows everything about hairloss? Because if you are, you'd be the only person in the world that knows everything about hair loss.

If you really knew everything, where's your hairloss cure? Exactly, I don't see it. So I wouldn't laugh.

Everyone responds differently, everyone has different degrees of sensitivity to DHT, and everyone can't get away with what others can. So you can never say 1 shoe fits all for almost anything, there's always outliers.

A simple example is how some people can literally only brush their teeth once a day in the morning, and still have good breath the whole day even after they drink and smoke and eat. Yet some have to brush atleast twice a day and especially brush at night. They can't get away so easily. Simple genetics. Some people just have greater genes than others.

Likewise, some people can masturbate and not experience any acceleration in hairloss, whilst others don't have such strong genes and cannot.

Even the best most renowned hair transplant surgeons, dermatologists, trichololigists, scientists, all claim outright one thing in common:

"They don't know everything about hair and hair loss. They don't know everything about what causes hair loss. They still haven't discovered all the pathways that activate hair loss. If they knew all the true causes of hair loss, then only will they be able to find a true cure and we're many years away from that. "

So unless you're ahead of everyone, which I highly doubt, I wouldn't laugh at anyone. Smart people are always learning and always open to new possibilities. You can't learn anything if you pretend to know everything.

Imagine if scientists and businessman and inventors had the mindset that you have, that just because someone claims something to be true that it is an unquestionable fact. In that case, people would have never discovered anything new. Scientists and inventors of any kind question absolutely everything even things that were said to be "fact". There's tons of examples where scientists claim certain things but their not fact, their just a hypothesis because they don't know everything.

People are constantly breaking records, inventing new things that weren't possible before that no one believed could be done before, changing the status quo, discovering things that people once thought were impossible to answer.

Simply, because everyone is built differently, everyone will respond differently, so if anything, by you essentially saying that no person on this planet would respond differently than others is something I'd lol at super hard.
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You'll be fine. Just don't go crazy, and stay on dutasteride/minoxidil. Your grafts will grow.