Masturbating and Propecia


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If you chop your balls off, then yes, you will stop your hairloss. I'd give rogaine a try first, though.


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rheinblick03 said:
what if i was to be castrated would that cure it? im ready to do it for hair's sake....

Lol, yeah it'd stop the hair loss but it' also stop you being a man. If you lose your nuts and wanna still be a man, you still need hormone injections and what not to my knowledge, which just brings about the hair loss problem again.

Probably a bit extreme man, I'd look into something a little less severe.


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Boondock said:
If you chop your balls off, then yes, you will stop your hairloss. I'd give rogaine a try first, though.

knowing my luck id chop my balls off then get told it wasnt male pattern baldness that was causing my hairloss but a gland problem or something :) .


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actually if you were to hypothetically castrate yourself

you would still experience hair loss

i'm pretty sure you need to castrate yourself prior to puberty to actually prevent hair loss

i may be wrong but i think i read that somewhere