Masturbation and Baldness


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Yes. Although I cannot find the article at the moment, a 2004 study at Berkley proved, beyond any reasonable doubt, that masterbation causes hairloss. They calculated it to something like 100 odd hairs per ejaculation, and if you masterbate more than once a day, that number is squared. On a positive note, however, the study also suggested that listening to Cher almost completely reverses this effect. So lock your doors, bump some cher, and beat away my friend.


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fallicule said:
Yes. Although I cannot find the article at the moment, a 2004 study at Berkley proved, beyond any reasonable doubt, that masterbation causes hairloss. They calculated it to something like 100 odd hairs per ejaculation, and if you masterbate more than once a day, that number is squared. On a positive note, however, the study also suggested that listening to Cher almost completely reverses this effect. So lock your doors, bump some cher, and beat away my friend.

LOL!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

SeanFromCA: Do yourself a favour my friend and do a search before you post a question. Users of this forum are sick and tired of this questions since it is rather rediculous....


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SeanFromCA said:
is there a link?

yes, about 5,742 threads in the past year alone. yet not one can link the two. :)
seriously type "masterbation" into the search function and there will be plenty of threads.

The Gardener

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A clinical study from Chile proved that you can enjoy hairloss-free masturbation ONLY if you sing 'Amazing Grace' while whacking off.


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If it did then every pornstar would be bald.


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my priest says it does..which is funny because he's bald


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The Gardener said:
A clinical study from Chile proved that you can enjoy hairloss-free masturbation ONLY if you sing 'Amazing Grace' while whacking off.

I contest that!

Hasn't worked out for me!


There is absolutley no proof that wanking will cause hair loss. However, touch typing whilst blind is getting more difficult everyday.


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If you transplant the hairs that sprout from your palms to your head it could even help!


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I've been searching on the i-net for quite a while (including this forum) to find an answer to this question....

A lot of people say that there's simply no relation between the two saying "every pornstar should be bald" etc, but the question is if masturbation/ejaculation has a link with hairloss for men who have male pattern baldness. So not every man out there....

I personally think that it does have a link. It sound pretty logical to me. It's true that there's been no evidence so far, but that doesn't mean that it couldn't be possible.

Can someone convince me that there isn't a link (and I can wack off without thinking how many hairs will fall out :D )


i hate these male pattern baldness and wanking threads.


Question:How can your hair tell the difference between you wanking or having sex?

Answer:It can't.

Therefore you are saying that sexual stimulation leading to ejaculation causes male pattern baldness. If this is the case we only have 2 choices carry on wanking or having sex and lose our hair or become celibate and never spunk again and live as a buddhist monk, which will be a wste of time anyway as they shave their heads.

End it.

Fallout Boy

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holy crap man .. life is too short to think about if whacking it is linked to hairloss ... just whack away / sex away ... even if there was a study that came out and said sex is bad for men with male pattern baldness i would still have sex as much as i could haha .. i mean It is sex. go ahead try and stop masterbating / have sex and see how much hairloss you lose do to stress with that one! Sex is healthy / fun / increases the effectiveness of finasteride. by 34 % .. thats what my doctor told me anyways right before he touched me :cry:


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Masterbation causes blindness, hairy palms and you will burn in hell. If that isn't enough incentive to stop "punching the clown" I don't know what is.


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I thought that we've moved ahead to the twenty-first century not regressed back to the 1800s:( You have got to be kidding?!!!



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Redbone was being facetious, greg, sorta mocking the neanderthal attitude we've been having on this board lately and this thread.


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mvsoft, I know:) But I was responding to the original poster of this thread :roll: I've seen this topic come up enough times here that it gets old ya know :x



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I have read a lot of articles/books/sites about NOT masturbating and so I decided to cut it off... (reading) :)