Masturbation And Hairloss


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I guess this topic was discussed previously but I couldn't find it. I found some information in the Internet, not sure how true it is:

"Also, over-masturbation produces excessive DHT, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and prolactin, and then prolactin forces norepinephrine and epinephrine to bind into the sympathetic nervous alpha receptors for constriction of the blood vessels to trap DHT in the thin scalp skin where your hair rooting cells are over-burned resulting in hair scalp/loss , depression... "

What do you think about it? Are there any studies about how masturbation / ejaculation influences hair?


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bull****. If you want to stay celibatair for religion reasons that's good but i don't think that mastrubation really has inlfuences on hair loss. Maybe over-mastrubation for a long time can cause little hairloss because your body is in constant stress. If sex can cause hair loss futher it's anabol, but it isn't.

It's all genetics

Btw mastrubation can cause blindness.


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it's like acne.. when you have it and you stop eating diary products, chocolate and many more 'acne-triggers' you will see that the acne doesn't clear up. Maybe you'll have 2 pimples less but that's it. Funny part is that acne and hair loss is triggerd by the same hormone


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it's like acne.. when you have it and you stop eating diary products, chocolate and many more 'acne-triggers' you will see that the acne doesn't clear up. Maybe you'll have 2 pimples less but that's it. Funny part is that acne and hair loss is triggerd by the same hormone

Weird, as a teenager I had no acne!


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Same hormone as in dht? I have bad acne and its only gotten worse as my hairloss has progressed.


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Weird, as a teenager I had no acne!

If your face is sensitive for the dht hormone, it will cause acne. There's no correlation between acne and male pattern baldness; because one has acne doesn't say it will develop male pattern baldness; because one never has acne doesn't say it doesn't develop male pattern baldness. There's also a believe that sometimes acne isn't a hormonal factor but the face clogging itself.

Beard, arm hair, bone growth, your hight, muscle growth and duration of erection is all dht and testosteron. It's always present. But when your X-gene xq12 (one of many hair loss genes, but they say this is a important gene because the AR lays here). is 'defect' than you'll have genetically AR-receptors in your scalp in a pattern that's causing hair loss trough inflammation. Some say that dht in the scalp increases when the scalp is gotten to tight and there for the inflammation. There is a study that shows that botox injections can stop hair loss and regrow some by relaxing the scalp muscles but this is way to expensive.


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FWIW, i dont masterbate at all, and im not having sex. ive been this way last 10 yrs. i just dont do it anymore, as hard as it may be for u to believe.

i have alot of energy and im able to concentrate, but alas im still slowly receding.

i think its possible abstaining has slowed it down, but its hard to tell, but it definately doesnt reverse it, sry.


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Not this again. No to masterbation causing male pattern baldness and no one cares how many times a day you do it or how you go about it.