Mature Hairline In Hair Transplantation


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Hair transplant surgeons often say they don't lower hairlines too much lest the patient looks too childish.

However, if a man undergoes hair loss treatment since his childhood, he will have a childish hairline when adulthood is reached.

Taking that into consideration, should young people go through hair loss treatment?


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It's a huge risk as you say, and many of them have found that out the hard way unfortunately.


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they can lower it, but I would not count on gaining more then half an inch from your forelock.


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As Wolf Pack mentioned, it depends on the individual patient.

For me - who was a NW3/4 - I was given a NW1.5/2 hairline. I was a good responder to finasteride and maintained/thickened my existing hair, over a number of years. However, at 35, I didn't want to overly harvest my grafts (in case of future loss), so we settled on 3,050 grafts. This took in consideration the hairline but also (and arguably more importantly!) the density needed to give a good result.

Because of the 'type' of NW3/4 that I was, I had no real hairline, so the hairline could be designed by the doctor. If, say, you were a NW3 but still had the very front of your center forelock, then the hairline would of course need to be designed around this remaining hair.

There are many factors to think about: 1) the current state of your hair, 2) your response to meds (if taken), 3) your age 4) your donor quality, including availability of grafts and density levels, 5) your expectations, 6) the shape of your skull and overall facial features, including symmetry (no really!) - among other considerations.