Mature hairline or male pattern baldness?


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I am not losing a lot of hair from one area but it has been thinning slowly over the years.
So would that be called a mature hairline rather than male pattern baldness?

Is DHT the problem in both a mature hairline and male pattern baldness?

Is Propecia still as effective at treating a mature hairline as it is in male pattern baldness?

Maybe Propecia will only be effective in someone that is shedding hair and not someone that is losing hairs slightly faster than they are being replaced if you see what I mean?


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if you see something that Female hair is not thinning over years, it stays the same. The male pattern baldness makes hair thinner, if you see thinning you can use propecia but it has side-effects like late or hard erection on penis.

Just Learn the situation you are in, and decide very fast. You can PAUSE or DELAY your destiny, but you can not change it.


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I am trying to learn the situation by asking questions so that I can decide fast what treatment I will take.

The questions were,

So would that be called a mature hairline rather than male pattern baldness?

Is DHT the problem in both a mature hairline and male pattern baldness?

Is Propecia still as effective at treating a mature hairline as it is in male pattern baldness?

Maybe Propecia will only be effective in someone that is shedding hair and not someone that is losing hairs slightly faster than they are being replaced if you see what I mean?

I do not understand what you meant when you typed
"if you see something that Female hair is not thinning over years, it stays the same."