May be in need of another hair transplant


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

Please post your pictures. We are all in this information-sharing forum together and this is important to all of us. Sorry to hear about such a bad result. I dont understand how you can have a 5% yield. Its uncanny.


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

Why would someone want 5000 grafts into a hairline is beyond belief. :dunno: No wonder the yield was low

dudemon said:
He is not the only hair transplant surgeon on those sites that you cannot post any *negative* $hit about either. (Those forums are paid for by those very same hair transplant surgeons ... can you say "peer-to-peer marketing gimmick"... :whistle: )

Its all about SALES baby!!! ... just SELL, SELL, SELL....!!!

The important lesson here is that Armani is not the only unethical hair transplant hack out out there. There are TONS of them and they are all over the place. There are just as many hair transplant hacks in the US as there are in other places around the world.

Could you PM me the other ones names? I am really interested in knowing that is if it cennot be posted on the forum


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

Einstein said:
I had bad hair transplant results by alvi armani resulting in cobblestone/bumps/rigids in my temples and along my hairline along with a terribly low yield. If I post my results and share my experience here will i be banned here too?

I was about to get into details and post pics of my failed 5,000 grafts into my hairline over in hairsite until I got banned to prevent me from doing so.

My username on hairsite was mj2003

You were banned on hairsite or hair loss help ?

That clown Farrel who runs HLH protected Armani for years and now his ultra agressive hair transplant disasters are showing up slowly but surely and now you can't even mention Armani's name on HLH


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

"I was paid by the Armani clinic via free hair transplant to say my results were good on forums, attack anyone who disagrees with Armani's results, and would get emails to write specific text in specific threads in specific hair transplant forums. "

Can you go into a little more deatil on this ? As someone who warned people away from Armani it doesn't surprise me at all this was going on


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair



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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

5000 in the hairline at age 21 !!! :shakehead:


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

Expose Armani for what he is but remember Hair loss help protected Armani, Shane and Pats205 (i think that was the number) for years even when confronted with the likes of Dr Feller


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair



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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

Einstein said:
HT55 said:
Expose Armani for what he is but remember Hair loss help protected Armani, Shane and Pats205 (i think that was the number) for years even when confronted with the likes of Dr Feller

...and today hairsite protects them. I started a thread and was JUST about to post pictures and respond to someone when out of nowhere Hairsite decides to intervene defending Armani, accusing me lying and calling my 'story suspiscious" and go on ranting on how my hair transplant was a negative result due to Avodart and NOT Armani. Okay? Fine, so I said, let me respond to that.... Lord behold.... I was banned!!!! Hairsite interved shooting me down, defending Armani and not allowing me to respond! BANNED. How would you rate that scandal?

I seen your thread on hairsite when I was looking into dutasteride results I don't post there but after pats post and one more asking pats to explain how dutasteride could make the grafts fall out hairsite come in and shut the thread down and directed him to another thread about dutasteride and told the poster he could ask the question there or something like that.I think they deleted some post seems like the thread was longer then what it finished up.

I also seen your post at (hrn) Seems like Armani has chop shopped a few others after reading that thread.


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

(Sorry hit quote and not edit)


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

After reading your story on Hair Loss Network, I find some of your statements so contradictory that your credibility is in doubt. It appears that your Armani transplant grew, and for whatever reason, it fell out.


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

Hiker said:
After reading your story on Hair Loss Network, I find some of your statements so contradictory that your credibility is in doubt. It appears that your Armani transplant grew, and for whatever reason, it fell out.

Do some research, transplanted hairs grow (i'm not going to say forever) for a long time, ask the guys who got plugs in the early 80's if they ever fall out.


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Re: Butchered by Dr. Antonio Alvi Armani - Need Repair

Einstein said:
HT55 said:
Expose Armani for what he is but remember Hair loss help protected Armani, Shane and Pats205 (i think that was the number) for years even when confronted with the likes of Dr Feller

...and today hairsite protects them. I started a thread and was JUST about to post pictures and respond to someone when out of nowhere Hairsite decides to intervene defending Armani, accusing me lying and calling my 'story suspiscious" and go on ranting on how my hair transplant was a negative result due to Avodart and NOT Armani. Okay? Fine, so I said, let me respond to that.... Lord behold.... I was banned!!!! Hairsite interved shooting me down, defending Armani and not allowing me to respond! BANNED. How would you rate that scandal?

Me, Please grow Please and a bunck of other long time posters were banned from Hair loss Help for questioning Armani. I hope I steered at least one person away from him

Is Shane posting on hairsite, that little weasel

I just looked at hairsite, the layout of th e forum is terrible.


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The topic title is not the same on the main page here either.His post are still up and not edit at (HRN),but he's not replying to questions he's been asked in the last few days,someone must have told him to back off cause he an one other poster were talking lawsuits over at(HRN).

If what he said is true him being a paid ex shill to lie for the doctor is not going to help his case or the doctor case either,The question is if his hair transplant would have been a home run result and not turn out shitty would he still be shilling for this man.


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It is amazing what this doctor is doing it seems he has no etics. His representants are asking patients all over the world (I am from spain) to take away posts with bad operations experiences. The worst thing is obviously not the money, in my case it is the loss of the hair I had due to the operation, if I only had known the results wulb be sooo poor!!


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I wonder if some surgeons get you to sign an NDA before surgery and then use that to threaten litigation if you try to go public with a bad experience.

I recall something similar with another surgeon, though not hair-loss related.