Meaning of hair loss characteristics


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Good evening everyone

i have a few questions regarding some hair loss characteristics.

I am in my early 20´and I have male pattern baldness for about 3-5 years now (i don´t know when exactly it started at the front) and it seems that it is not super aggressive (I wont post pictures because i´m sure of male pattern baldness). The whole front where it began is just slowly getting higher but i also have diffuse thinning (i assume it will follow the reverse Y pattern) over the top of the head and my sides which i learnt is unusual for male pattern baldness. I´m for 100% sure that i will get bald because of my granddad even though my dad´s side fine. But during these years i do not "suffer" after some hair loss characteristics as most of the others.

For example: I did not have a aggressive shedding yet, not many hairs are falling out (shower etc.) and these hairs seem to be healthy (not light or shorter), as a i said my sides as the top of my head are thinning too, my hair growth is normal if not even faster than normal but nevertheless still there are these parts on the head where it is thinning more than the other parts(you can feel it and thats the reason why i think that these parts will convert into the reverse Y pattern), my eyebrows are easy to pull out and i have red pimples on the head, in general dry and oily skin (Dermatitis?)

How to explain this? I forgot to say that i have thyroid issues and i take a medicament for that (a few weeks) but because of the pattern on my top it is male pattern baldness for sure so i dont assume that it will grow back or something like that.


As i understand right, if you get male pattern baldness at such a young age I suspect you have at least one clear characteristic like aggressive shedding or decreased hair growth to be sure ok i am balding. But in my case on one side i have some diffuse pattern on the top of my head but on the other side my hair growth overall is normal or faster than normal so i really dont get there someone who can explain this? Was there one or were there more triggers? (Thyroid, Dermatitis?) Should i have some faith in my thyroid treatment?

Thanks a lot