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so i meet this person after a year or so. its like the whole conversation was about my hair. so annoying. the first thing she says is hey what happened to ur hair. i didnt know what to say. then she goes oh are you losing hair? (she used to mention my hair before too now shes pretending she doesnt know im losing hair). im like yeah i am. she goes oh ud better hurry up and get someone to marry quickly before its too late. then we sit down and shes analyzing my hair later on in the conversation. then she goes so whats with your hair? did u just get out of the shower? i can see ur scalp. im just like no i didnt just get out of the shower. then she goes is your dad bald? i say yeah. she goes oh ok.

what a painful conversation. i didnt even know my hairloss got that noticeable.


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wow haha what a f*****g wh***

a totally nice way to deflect it onto her would be like

"yeah, im bald, you're fat, we all have problems"


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My last roommate was like that a real a**h** without even noticing it. He'd say stupid sh*t like "dude you're going bald try rubbing your fingernails together your hair will grow back" or "what happened? you have acne all over your face you didn't yesterday." This girl doesn't happen to be Indian, Nepalese, or Pakistani does she? I've noticed culturally they don't have any boundaries about what to say and not say regarding someone's feelings.


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Your right about Asian/Brazilian/Spanish women.

They used to make openly racist comments infront of customers (An example being, doing the 'slitty eyed' action when to describe a Chinese person when they didn't know their name).

They didn't even realise they were being offensive.


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don't judge her too hard... she probably just didn't know what to say and she was trying to sympathize.
would it be better if she didn't say anything and just pretended that nothing happened ?

p.s. I am assuming that her comments were not made with the purpose to make you feel uncomfortable...


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I agree some people just dont realise that its rude and might make you feel uncomfortable. I'm guessing that this girl has no obvious flaws.

A guy I know has a brother who is the result of his mother having an affair, he is light skinned and his brother is very dark. Anyway he introduced him to a group of us and this one girl just came straight out and said "how come your brother looks totally different to you"?
Obviously we had all thought this but this girl just came straightout and spoke. It was a pretty painfull moment for everybody there except her, she was totally oblivious.

Bald Dave

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I get this from girls all the time mate don't worry about it too much. I believe they use tactics when finding a mate such as the "sh*t test". The sh*t test is when a girl mentions a flaw and sees how you react to this flaw and if you are easily offended then it shows you have low self-esteem but if you just think f*** it then she probably thinks that you don't care and thus will think you have a high self-esteem.


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How old is this girl?

I am curious about her age because while there are plenty of women who have good heads on their shoulders young, a lot of them still have plenty growing up to do. Some teenage girls and 20 somethings live in a fantasty world where they expect all guys to have hair on their heads like the metro vampires in twilight. When they finally see other guys going bald around them then they understand it's a common occurance. This may have been her first experience to hair loss, who knows.


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Bald Dave said:
I get this from girls all the time mate don't worry about it too much. I believe they use tactics when finding a mate such as the "sh*t test". The sh*t test is when a girl mentions a flaw and sees how you react to this flaw and if you are easily offended then it shows you have low self-esteem but if you just think f*ck it then she probably thinks that you don't care and thus will think you have a high self-esteem.

I'm not sure if they purposefully do this, maybe they're just b****s? Or shallow.

Seriously its something i imagine a little kid doing..

"daddy how come that man has no hair"

uncomfortable man

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The comment that she made about hurrying up and finding a wife before it's too late part I found particularly offensive. It directly implies that no woman will want you once you are bald. I would snap under such scrutiny and wind up telling her off. Yes, I'm going bald! I don't care but if you're going to be such a b**ch about it, then you can get lost!


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shes 27 years old. and she is from india. but i dont know about that whole cultural thing because i also know a lot of indian/asian girls who have never mentioned anything about my hair loss. i think it just comes down to the person. the ones that do mention it will mention it all the time whereas the ones that dont will never say anything about it regardless of how bad u look. but yeah this girl is just a real killer for the self esteem, i dont like talking to her. not just the hair but anything. after i talk to her i feel two feet tall.

yeah that better hurry up and get married before its too late did get to me too. and its not like shes that goodlooking herself.


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Young girls act like b****s until they know how life is hard.


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IBM said:
Young girls act like b****s until they know how life is hard.

You definitely got that right.... There is nothing like the humbling we get from life.

Let's not blame the girls only. There are lots of men out there that make silly comments about women. Young boys also have very high expectations when it comes to looks, just like the "b****s" (I don't like describing women as b****s).


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I treat women with respect, except in the bedroom, and that's the way they like it. :punk:

To the OP, cut her off mate, don't bother talking to her, i remember people from my past that were real buzz kills, i'd always make an excuse and get the hell out...use the old patrick bateman line of needing to return some video tapes, works a treat, doesn't matter than no one uses video tapes anymore, she'll get the message.