Mel Gibson


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In "in Touch" magazine this week there is a small article on Mel Gibson. Tittled " Mel's hair-raising clinic visit":
" Mel Gibson is losing his hair! The 47-year-old Hollywood icon visited Regenix, and LA hair-restoration clinic, last week, Witnesses said he was at he clinic for less than an hour."

I know Regenix has been discussed many times before, but what the hell is up with this sh*t. It seems many famous people visit this clinic in LA. Why is this?? I mean I've looked at their products and they don't sound great and cost 300-400 dollars per month! Why do all these actors reportedly use Regenix????


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i went on the regenix program a year ago...and their big claim to fame was that mattew mconahey grew his hair on their product.

i visited the offices in l.a....its a 2 step system

you shower with the cleanser and shampoo , then apply a leave- in type lotion in the morning

then at nights you apply this solution that they make for you specifically and put on a heated head cap for 20 minutes...i did this for 4 months and it cost me near 800 dollars


stay clear from these guys its all hype,,,
i really think matthew either has a vested intrest in the company or he is doing the owner a favor by hyping it up...
i think the idiot got a transplant or something to that effect in the areas he needed it in..

good luck


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I saw a movie the other day with Mel Gibson in it- 'Once We Were Soldiers' or something like that. His hair looks good there, but there's a few scenes out in the sunshine where you can clearly see he's losing it. Probably using Courve, Toppik or whatever that stuff is.

Mel is a garbage actor- I realized this after watching to movie. He's all about looks- he manages to keep his good looks well into his age now, and that's all he has going for him. His acting skills really aren't there and the only reason people like him are because of his mannerisms and appearance. But, lots of actors get away with it- The Rock, Steven Segal, the list goes on.

Thinning Sucks

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supernova said:
Yeah, Steven Seagal really gets away with it ;)

Years ago my sister in law worked in Hollywood and she worked on a few seagal movies....she said after a shoot, Seagals greasy toupee was put in a bad for the next day or whatever....she said it was gross.


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Mel is a garbage actor- I realized this after watching to movie. He's all about looks- he manages to keep his good looks well into his age now, and that's all he has going for him. His acting skills really aren't there and the only reason people like him are because of his mannerisms and appearance. But, lots of actors get away with it- The Rock, Steven Segal, the list goes on.[/quote]

rawbie...what are you talking about????

did you see braveheart? ( he won several oscars for this movie)

did you see the passion? ( he produced this),

did you see the patriot?

im sorry i STRONGLY disagree with you on this one...not because hes one of my fav actors...but because HE truly is a TALENTED actor

unlike the hundreds of mickey mouse face only actors out there that rely on their looks but have ZERO talent


did you see the movie with him and heath ledger ( cant think of the name


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Kyriakin said:
He hates the English though.

In the Patriot, Mel Gibson's character was a complete bastard in real life, and the English 'bad guy' was a famously nice and respected English general...

I loved Braveheart though....

He was a bastard? He might have been a bastard in his PAST but in the current time of the movie he was trying to stay away from the battles that scarred him. He was a faithful and honoring father.... Of course he hated the english. Where are u from?


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did you see braveheart? ( he won several oscars for this movie)

did you see the passion? ( he produced this),

did you see the patriot?

im sorry i STRONGLY disagree with you on this one...not because hes one of my fav actors...but because HE truly is a TALENTED actor

Well for one thing, the Patriot is a relentlessly rancid movie. It has really good cinematography, but aside from that it was really painful for me to sit through. It's flag-waving pseudo-nationalistic bullshit. I mean, I don't mind patriotic movies if they're done well, but this one was oozing sap out of every frame. Watching the guy kill all 20, or whatever of Mel Gibson's sons get's so damn tiresome after a while. I mean if he didn't have a kid getting killed by the one two dimensional, laughably evil British general every other scene the movie probably would've only been about 15 minutes long.

As for Braveheart it wasn't a bad movie by any means, but it didn't knock me out too much either. It was pretty ham-fisted and certainly didn't deserve all the oscars it got. Which brings me to the point that while it did win quite a few Mel Gibson, the actor, wasn't even nominated for his performance.

I didn't have much desire to see the Passion so I don't really have an opinion on it, but I do know he doesn't appear in front of the camera. I agree with VICCI, he's not a very good actor. His career seemed to follow a similar arc to Bruce Willis', where they both started off as wise cracking, good looking, smirky action heroes and then changed their images into something more serious as they got older. The difference is that while I've liked Bruce Willis in some of his roles, Mel Gibson has nevered really impressed with his acting talent. I don't mean to get down on him too much, he's definitely servicable in a lot of his parts but he seems to have very little range.


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Everyone's got their own opinions. Millions love George Bush, millions hate him. Millions love the Toronto Maple Leafs, millions hate them. Millions love Brittney Spears, millions hate her.

It's all good.

I just think Mel Gibson is useless- he looks good and that's why people like him. I have never been convinced of his role in a movie- I never believed he was the Corporal/Sergeant or whatever in Once We Were Soldiers, I never believed he was Braveheart, and I never believed he was a father in Signs. I specifically remember watching signs a few years back and realizing that Mel just did NOT fit the role of a father rasing kids in a farmhouse. Only now do I realize I was thinking this back then- when Signs came out, he just didn't fit the role. He never does. Because he's so generic in every movie- he's got the same personality in every movie. He tries to offer a wide variety of personalities in movies, but he's always Mel.

Just my two cents.


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Yeah, Payback is a really enjoyable movie. It's kind of just Mel Gibson doing a dry version of himself though.


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0 point was that I think Mel is a talented actor and does not only rely on looks..the man has talent

almost all his movies do extremely well, do that many people have bad taste?


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Well, I guess got the name wrong. I meant to agree with whoever said he was a "garbage actor". Anyway I don't know how you can even make the distinction of popularity equating talent. AVP made 40 million dollars last weekend, does that mean it's a better movie than Garden State which made almost nothing? I mean look at director grosses, Michael Bay, who brought us such memorable films as the Bad Boys franchise and Pearl Harbor has had tons of movies gross over 100 million dollars, while Martin Scorsese has had none. I think his highest grossing movie was Gangs of New York which only made like 60 million and actually lost money given its budget. So in other words, yes, that many people can and frequently are wrong.

P.S. Britney Spears has probably sold the most albums of any musician performing today, by implication does that mean you think it's just because she's the most talented?


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0 bring up solid points and i agree on them

i guess i have always liked gibson and braveheart was a spectacle in my eyes

brittaney spears is a blithering


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Thats funny how you can call Mel Gibson a "garbage actor" yet he has made movies that have grossed over 100 million dollars and has helped won multiple Academy Awards.Payback,Braveheart,Signs,Lethal Weapon,Mad call those garbage movies?your nuts!


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I don't call them all "garbage movies", you're talking to a guy who owns the Road Warrior on DVD afterall. While I did bash a few of them, my main point is that the quality of the movies overall doesn't matter. The argument at hand, is whether or not he's a good actor which I honestly don't think he is. Like I said before, I didn't personally call him a garbage actor but I would be more inclined to agree with someone who said that than someone fawning over how talented he is. Again, he's not really distractingly bad or anything, we're not talking about Keanu Reeves' attempt at a British accent in Dracula or anything groan inducing. I just think he's okay, and it's usually the buzz about him that bothers me more than he, himself. It's kind of like the Dave Matthews Band. I personally have no problem with them and like a handful of their songs but when a bunch of quasi-hippies go berserk everytime Crash comes on the radio I just want to throw up my hands and say "Christ, it's a pretty good song but it's not that good."


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I have to ask, whats the point of talking about celebrity hairloss? How is it different than all of us? Is it because it makes you feel better when a high paid actor, who is mostly in a job based on looks, has hairloss and then pointing it out? Believe me, if any of us didnt have hairloss, would you really give a crap about some over paid celebrity who is losing a few hairs because they are over the age of 40!!! Thats the normal age to start losing hair, geez, leave mel alone.