Mental Health - Very important to educate ourselves.


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So, I am pretty sure a lot people here don't exactly have the perfect mental health. Though humans in general aren't that perfect mentally.

I was wondering about all of this and how we can improve on it. It would most certainly improve someones quality of life if he improves his mental health and so forth.

Brain fog:

I have noticed that on some days I am completely unmotivated and I feel down etc etc and it varies and changes and stuff like that. I think that if I use fluridil I am like that. Though it's not supposed to have any sides. But whatever.

So, if something can make us unfocused/unmotived/depressed or whatever.... isn't there something that can help? Isn't this also a new field to explore and educate ourselfs about just like taking care of our hair? I think taking care of our minds is even more important.

Maybe there are some brain drugs, some good health tips or just something.

Right now I know nothing. But I am sure this is something worth exploring.

Any thoughts at all? Hopefully someone educated sees this and responds.


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-Avoid psychiatrists and psychologists.

-Don't eat the typical western diet

-Learn how to do this and practice until you're like this instead of this


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aussieavodart said:
instead of this
unless in bed with your gf :whistle:


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Don't be silly, nobody on actually has a girlfriend or gets regular sex anymore.

That's part of the reason why we're here.


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aussieavodart said:
Don't be silly, nobody on actually has a girlfriend or gets regular sex anymore.

That's part of the reason why we're here.

I think CCS's world view has been sinking into your subconscious aussieavodart.

........................................... :whistle:


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I think you guys aren't taking this seriously enough.

A ton of who we are and what we do is biological.


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oni said:
aussieavodart said:
Don't be silly, nobody on actually has a girlfriend or gets regular sex anymore.

That's part of the reason why we're here.

I think CCS's world view has been sinking into your subconscious aussieavodart.

........................................... :whistle:

I'm not going to deny it. It's an inevitable part of life on offtopic.

If I start making threads asking whether or not I should have one of my balls removed to see if it reduces serum DHT then you'll know why



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to OP,

look into "Nootropics"

Do a google search, there is tons of info on the subject., wikipedia, among other sites. Even here in I remember Bryan posting a bit on the subject.

I agree with Aussie on things like meditation -lifestyle- nutrition playing a major role.


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oni said:
aussieavodart said:
Don't be silly, nobody on actually has a girlfriend or gets regular sex anymore.

That's part of the reason why we're here.

I think CCS's world view has been sinking into your subconscious aussieavodart.

........................................... :whistle:



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aussieavodart said:
-Avoid psychiatrists and psychologists.


I would really like you to defend this because with all due respect you are dead wrong. And I don't want links either. I want to hear what YOU have to say.

I assume that you perhaps had a bad experience with therapy. If that's the case I find that tragic.

aussieavodart said:
-Don't eat the typical western diet

as wrong as you are above you're right here.


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KeepTheHair is 100% dead on accurate. Mental Health is vital to overall health and it's all too often neglected when it doesn't have to be. It's an area that many do not understand, take seriously or perhaps they are embarrassed to face.

Proper sleep and cardio can vastly improve mood & memory. And I am not talking about lifting weights.

KeepTheHair said:
Maybe there are some brain drugs

Do you mean for intelligence or mood?

KeepTheHair said:
Right now I know nothing

Everyone has to start somewhere but it seems to me that you have instincts and that can't be taught.

KeepTheHair said:
But I am sure this is something worth exploring.

Yes it is and good for you. You are way ahead of most people already I assure you.

KeepTheHair said:
Any thoughts at all? .

Sounds like you have mild depression. There is nothing wrong with that and there is nothing wrong with you. You aren't insane nor are you sick. Everyone goes through that in their life many many times. Depression can even be good for you in the long run if you understand it and make changes. It can help you understand what is important in your life. Just don't expect a fast or concrete answer.


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Cassin said:
aussieavodart said:
-Avoid psychiatrists and psychologists.


I would really like you to defend this because with all due respect you are dead wrong. And I don't want links either. I want to hear what YOU have to say.

I assume that you perhaps had a bad experience with therapy. If that's the case I find that tragic.

They don't really have anything to offer people.

The best a psychiatrist can do is sometimes alleviate people's misery with a variety of toxic drugs. The mechanisms of these drugs aren't in the slightest bit understood and they can often come with their own bad effects (labelled as 'side effects'). Even if they do work, which they often don't, most psychiatrists seem quite happy to leave people with the impression that they need these things indefinetly because the drugs are fixing a medical problem just like a diabetic needs insulin. That's a pretty dangerous idea to leave people with for a stack of reasons, the most obvious being that it's a scientifically bogus concept and that it's telling people there's no hope of cure, only management. That might be the case with a very small number of conditions but to say that about depression and anxiety only exposes the ignorance of the so called profession on this subject. I'm not saying people should or shouldn't take those drugs btw. Just offering a critique.

And as for psychologists, they're just a sorry bunch of utterly boring statisticians for the most part. I'd sooner cut my arms off then listen to much of what they say. They've contributed precisely zero to the discourse about human consciousness and the mechanics of happiness. The latest 'breakthrough' of behavioural psychologists involved disproving a theory which was never proven to begin with (that happiness is genetically determined) while similtanously reinforcing the delusion that mental wellbeing rests on external factors like choice of partner, job etc. Many have now began to teach buddhist concepts (stripped of their references to buddhism) which is both good and an admission that everything they learned up to that point was a useless waste of time.

There's nothing special about these people which gives them any right to call themselves experts. No student of psychology is required to transcend his or her own neurotic leanings as part of graduating,and no method is made available to them to do so because their lecturers are often as ignorant as they are, so I don't know what ever gave them the impression they were in a position to help other people.

I think they are a very arrogant bunch. They've managed to convince themselves that their pet theories and narrow field of view constitute all there is to know about the human mind- the best psychologists are the ones who have traded western ideas for eastern ones. I think this arrogance of theirs is most on display when they coin that favorite cliche of theirs to their patients- "I can't fix you, only you can do that" I think what that really means is that if the patient doesn't get better they want it to be understood by the patient that no blame can be laid at the feet of the psychologist whose methods and advice are perfect.

Psychology and psychiatry and nothing more than cosy, well paid professions for people who want to live cosy, well paid professional lives. I consider one of the hallmarks of a persons wisdom is their willingness to part with it for free and help others for the sake of helping them. The extortionate prices that these mental health 'professionals' charge should make anyone sceptical of what they know, what they can teach us and their motivations for doing so.


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Thank you for your response

Psych professionals are just like any other Dr or Person. You need to find the right one for YOU. Again I suspect you have had a terrible experience and I find that awful. I wonder if you found someone who lacked empathy or had an archaic mindset.

aussieavodart said:
I consider one of the hallmarks of a persons wisdom is their willingness to part with it for free and help others for the sake of helping them. The extortionate prices that these mental health 'professionals' charge should make anyone sceptical of what they know, what they can teach us and their motivations for doing so.

To my knowledge every single psych student has to do volunteer work as part of their Master Degree program. I can't think of a single reason why any master degree program wouldn't have that.

And most therapists and Dr's continue to do free work throughout their career and if not free they reduce their cost to an affordable level to those in need.


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"schizophrenia" my friend

monty1978 said:
Unfortunately by the sometimes ambigous and always intangeable nature of the field of psychology there is a lot of room for arrogance and ineptitude, that I do agree with.

Ok that I do agree with as well. In America we call that "God Complex" where Dr's sometimes forget they are human.


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monty1978 said:
I want a response from auzzie if he would be gratioius enough?

maybes yous liking the auzzie yes

maybes Fins makings you do this

alsos Mental Health this likes man crying likes baby/homo/lady?

Bekim :dunno: