Metals and hairloss


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I read in someone's "regimen"-profile that they try to stay away from heavy metals. Is there a potential link between hairloss and consumption of heavy metals?

I like spinach, so that is why I am asking.



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Bottom line I think is toxic heavy metals like mercury are bad for everything including hair lol - fish, amalgam fillings, all that stuff. Also I only drink good bottled mineral water, but that's to avoid the fluoride and stuff!


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guitar66 said:
I used to listen to a lot of slayer, now i'm diffused thinning badly...

LOL slayer rulez! :punk: The last album is damn good!


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yes, that last album did in fact rule..

in all seriousness though, I think its possible.. but how much of an impact does it really have? I mean, there are probably tons of things that we encounter throughout the day that have some kind of effects (usually negligable) on our hair, skin, health etc. but, do they make that much of a difference? are there proven studies out there? most importantly, is it worth stressing over? I say this last part because I myself ran through every possible cause for my hair loss (food, diet, dairy, meat, gels, shampoo, thyroid).

I'm sort of rambling, but the point is in some cases stressing about certain things may have a more damaging effect on your hair than the actual stress catalysts themselves...

don't mean for this to sound as blunt as it did, but in summary I started driving myself nuts over this type of stuff. I'm trying to choose my battles wisely and make changes that will have the highest net positive effect.


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Lambaugh said:

I read in someone's "regimen"-profile that they try to stay away from heavy metals. Is there a potential link between hairloss and consumption of heavy metals?

I like spinach, so that is why I am asking.


The reason is that heavy metals 1) cause the production of oxidants = inflamtion 2) will prevent/slow down your body from making various co-enzymes and other processes 3) takes up all of your bodies anti-oxidants = inflamation 4) cause cancer, various mental condiations, etc.


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Thank you for that input purecontrol, I think you may know more about this than me!

I was mainly concerned about my thyroid and exposing it to things like mercury, that was my main reason for trying to increase chelation and detox myself.

Hopefully my toxic heavy metal levels should be low, I'm just concerned about my amalgam fillings that's all.


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Hoppi said:
Thank you for that input purecontrol, I think you may know more about this than me!

I was mainly concerned about my thyroid and exposing it to things like mercury, that was my main reason for trying to increase chelation and detox myself.

Hopefully my toxic heavy metal levels should be low, I'm just concerned about my amalgam fillings that's all.

If you are that concerned you should get some testing. On the other hand you have to be careful with chelation, when you "detox" you also reduce the amount of all other minerals.

Here is something very intersting, when levels get messed up it will actually make it so that you can't use perfectly good minerals. For instance, you can't absorbe copper, you end up with higher copper levels and all the negatives from it, but here is the kicker you also suffer from all the negatives of low copper levels!

You liver is going to be #1 with a lot of these issues, and you can "detox" but you need to be replacing those lost minerals with appropiate forms.

You see there are different forms, for instance you don't want to use a salt ie magnesium chloride, you want to use one bound to an amino acid ie magnesium taurate.

Keep researching LOL