yes, that last album did in fact rule..
in all seriousness though, I think its possible.. but how much of an impact does it really have? I mean, there are probably tons of things that we encounter throughout the day that have some kind of effects (usually negligable) on our hair, skin, health etc. but, do they make that much of a difference? are there proven studies out there? most importantly, is it worth stressing over? I say this last part because I myself ran through every possible cause for my hair loss (food, diet, dairy, meat, gels, shampoo, thyroid).
I'm sort of rambling, but the point is in some cases stressing about certain things may have a more damaging effect on your hair than the actual stress catalysts themselves...
don't mean for this to sound as blunt as it did, but in summary I started driving myself nuts over this type of stuff. I'm trying to choose my battles wisely and make changes that will have the highest net positive effect.