Method on applying minoxidil, your opinions please.


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I use too apply minoxidil with the dropper and controling the flow by pressing the top of the dropper slightly, it was very difficult to control the flow, the stuff was sometimes leaked and then to spread it evenly it had to rub it.

When rub minoxidil with my fingers, there is waisted product going on my hairs and fingers. Also my hairs became dry with some tiny flakes from dried product. :freaked:

So I decided to use this method too apply minoxidil with the dropper, without waisting to much product on the hairs. Work's very well for me.

I fill the dropper to the 1 ml line, and then I knock the dropper slightly on my bald areas every 1/4 inch. Every hit give's about 1/4 of a drop. So almost every thing goes on the scalp evenly, there is no leaking, the hairs don't get messed up and there is no need to rub the product as it's spreaded evenly. :)

It takes about 2 mins to apply and my hairs looks great after product has dried.

Test it in your hand, it will give you an idea of how much comes out with every hit. (you can use water to make the test).

I think it's a good way to control the flow out of the dropper and get more product on the scalp where it needs to be.

Any other tricks or methods?

The Gardener

Senior Member
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That is GOOD advice, Tigritos. I could not agree more.

I have found the real art to applying the minoxidil, as you say as well, is to really take your time doing it, and to try to release very small droplets.

I personally don't know how dark haired people can rub the minoxidil through their hair. Whenever I do it, it leaves a grey powdery residue on it and makes me look like a greying 60 year-old man with really greasy hair. Not an attractive sight.

The shedder

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I don't think you need to drown your temples in minoxidil. I sometimes run into the drip problem on the extreme right and left of my temples about 2-3 inches above my eyebrows and I immeaditely wipe it off. And after about two months of being sloppy like that I have vellous hairs or darkening hairs there, go figure


Senior Member
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you mean you guys don't put minoxidil in the middle of your scalp and do a stevie wonder to get it from left to right ? :lol: