Miconazole Nitrate is acceptable in the short term if...


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Normally I would say do not use this treatment consistently even though it is has potent effects similar to that of Nizoral as it seems to go systemic and cause terrible fatigue and a reduction in one's skin quality.

However if you are having issues with scalp acne and inflammation of a potentially bacteriological/fungal or hormonal kind, then it is acceptable to use it in those affected areas for a few days.

As I have certain as yet untreated endocrine issues (docs know but covid is making everything move slow like molasses), I have developed bizarre skin issues that I never even had during puberty such as inflamed scalp acne.

On top of using nizoral and preferably t-gel to mitigate this issue, I would also recommend using small spot-treatments of miconazole nitrate cream on the affected areas until the inflammation/acne goes down.

I can't stress it enough though, don't overdo it with that sh*t, it's powerful and can cause problems if you use it too much.


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Normally I would say do not use this treatment consistently even though it is has potent effects similar to that of Nizoral as it seems to go systemic and cause terrible fatigue and a reduction in one's skin quality.

However if you are having issues with scalp acne and inflammation of a potentially bacteriological/fungal or hormonal kind, then it is acceptable to use it in those affected areas for a few days.

As I have certain as yet untreated endocrine issues (docs know but covid is making everything move slow like molasses), I have developed bizarre skin issues that I never even had during puberty such as inflamed scalp acne.

On top of using nizoral and preferably t-gel to mitigate this issue, I would also recommend using small spot-treatments of miconazole nitrate cream on the affected areas until the inflammation/acne goes down.

I can't stress it enough though, don't overdo it with that sh*t, it's powerful and can cause problems if you use it too much.
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A lot of stuff, including estriol topical now.

But mostly cetirizine solution, sophora root solution, beta sitosterol orally.

Those are the core elements.


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A lot of stuff, including estriol topical now.

But mostly cetirizine solution, sophora root solution, beta sitosterol orally.

Those are the core elements.
Isn't estriol worse?


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It is definitely weaker than estrogen, but as evidenced in this patent application, it does help with hair problems, including oily, seborrheic scalp issues, and in the cases of men with acute hair loss it only slowed the process down. I don't have acute hair loss, and I've already noticed my skin his looking way better, it looks more full and hydrated. My hair and scalp don't feel oily at all, my hair feels soft and not dry like straw, it's the optimal circumstance for regrowth.

It's what I could get until I see my doctor and get actual 17b estradiol gel, and already I can tell I won't need much of that to help my hair. I'm getting a good idea of what estrogen will do for me with a less potent version in estriol.

The bonus though? I have been using it for a few days and I have zero sides at all, and I know what gyno feels like because I've had it, it's a tingling soreness in the nipples, with this, nothing.

So it may actually be good for guys to try with less acute cases of hair loss as long as they use other treatments in tandem.

I don't even have to use the miconazole now, the acne on my forehead and scalp are disappearing, joy!


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Hi Dojo,
Mann this is exactly my condition
1. VERY Oily Scalp, specially when Hair loss is severe
2. Oily Forehead after 1 day of shower
3. After 2 days from shower, the oily scalp is very noticeable, hair are wet and thinning obvious.
3. Need to shower every day to remove the Oils and Sebum
4. Scalp Inflammation and Tickling is lower than when first year of Hair loss started back in 2016
5. I can also say that I feel more Histamine in my Body since the Hair loss started.
6. tried everything on the natural side nothing helped for the Oily Scalp.

1. Please I would like you to help, my oily scalp issue is my biggest concern.

2. Can you explain what the relationship between the antibiotics miconazol and the Oily scalp, sebasous glands. Do I need to take first and applied to the hole scalp or hairs ?

3. Would you list any methods or treatments that helped you.

My only dream is to get rid of the Oiliness and sebum.
Thanks a lot of the help
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Hi Dojo,
Mann this is exactly my condition
1. VERY Oily Scalp, specially when Hair loss is severe
2. Oily Forehead after 1 day of shower
3. After 2 days from shower, the oily scalp is very noticeable, hair are wet and thinning obvious.
3. Need to shower every day to remove the Oils and Sebum
4. Scalp Inflammation and Tickling is lower than when first year of Hair loss started back in 2016
5. I can also say that I feel more Histamine in my Body since the Hair loss started.
6. tried everything on the natural side nothing helped for the Oily Scalp.

1. Please I would like you to help, my oily scalp issue is my biggest concern.

2. Can you explain what the relationship between the antibiotics miconazol and the Oily scalp, sebasous glands. Do I need to take first and applied to the hole scalp or hairs ?

3. Would you list any methods or treatments that helped you.

My only dream is to get rid of the Oiliness and sebum.
Thanks a lot of the help

Holy f*** bro, you should be showering every single day if that's the case (if you can manage), that's one thing I'll say is back when I was in my late 20s early 30s, when I grew all my hair back, don't believe the hype about "not showering", that's for women with virtually no androgen profile or androgen sensitivity to their hair follicles.

I woke up before work, sometimes sweaty and disgusting, showered, used salycylic acid or pyrithione zinc shampoo, then I came home from work and showered with nizoral or did every other day because I worked in oilfield construction and I was dirty and sweaty again.

THAT was a critical aspect of how my hair actually grew back, sometimes you gotta get that sh*t off your scalp and keep the sebaceous glands inactive and your androgen receptors on your scalp from causing hair loss.

What you will need also is not just topicals, it seems like you probably have hormonal issues.

Make sure you are either on one of two things

- finasteride or beta sitosterol to curtail DHT

- take red reishi because it will and I now have proof that it lowers testosterone because I got my most recent blood test results after using red reishi and my test was nearly cut in half, although I was taking an aggressive dose

If those two things do not curtail your oily scalp and skin, you need to

- order some estriol or 17b estradiol gel and mix it into a water solution and apply it to your scalp or just apply it straight to your skin but preferably the scalp

- you need to get blood tests for insulin and IGF-1, because if you have lowered your DHT and testosterone, then both of those things can still cause oily scalp even if you have the first two under control.

I hope this helps, in the meantime you can take monistat cream (yes the f*****g yeast infection vadge cream) and lightly apply it to your scalp after washing it will help but if you have fatigue develop after multiple days of use, you will have to cut back, it is a side effect in some.


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Thanks very much, I appreciate your feedback.

Basically I shower my hair every day, I can only go 24 hrs before it gets very oily and noticeable.

Like you suggested, I will get on EPO, Saw Palmetto and Beta sitosterol for now.

I am using the Keto and T gel shampoo

I really doubt that I have a hormonal problem, since I am functioning well beside of my scalp which is weird Hairloss and a lot of sebum production.

I still can't understand how the majority of people with male pattern baldness doesn't have the Extrem Okly scalp and inflammation and some people the scalp is a war zone.

Thanks Again, it's a pleasure talking to you


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Careful with T gel it causes shedding in me if I use it "too" much.

With regard to your scalp, all I can tell you is that there are few other factors than hormones which can cause your skin to be that oily, but it's up to you if you don't want to go down that diagnostic path.


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Miconazole is what they sell to treat yeast infections, yet again another example of estrogens creating an inhospitable environment for yeast overruns. Some of the athlete's foot products have similar ingredients which I used on the scalp but with Biestro and then I desisted probably because Keto is similar but I was focused on estrogen solutions. Why? I had a revelation from Goddess about how to approach feminization and hairloss and was pointed in that direction.


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It's cool posting on threads by people I know now. You are very active and have a love for this. I do too and I feel like possibly successful folks have an obligation to try to give back and maybe inspire, like, "oh, yeah, that person restored hair", like people are about @bridgeburn. We then had pictorial proof that it was possible to fully turn back the clock.


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I want to help as many people with hair loss as possible, I've been blessed with one previous hair recovery and I am in the process of a second, anyone I can help get as effectively from the dismay of losing their hair to the triumph of recovery is my goal, I feel good doing so.


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I want to help as many people with hair loss as possible, I've been blessed with one previous hair recovery and I am in the process of a second, anyone I can help get as effectively from the dismay of losing their hair to the triumph of recovery is my goal, I feel good doing so.
Can you write your entire regimen for us please


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It involves a lot of things relating to unique medical issues that I have which others may not, and I don't really want to bog people down with the minutiae of things I do to offset inflammatory/immunological problems because of thyroid issues and addison's disease.

I also nearly died of an infection as an infant which seems to be indicative of early life thyroid problems which may have caused an inflammatory/immune disorder that I have had to deal with most of my life off and on.

It's a -lot- of stuff, and a lot of it does not translate well to the hairloss issues of regular guys and I don't want to lead them down a false path.

But there were three simple things I did/had taken the first time I recovered from hair loss:

- betamethasone scalp lotion

- beta sitosterol complex (derived from flax)

- evening primrose oil

Also on top of that, aggressively avoid oily greasy foods, I was eating very clean back then, protein is good, but make sure your diet is on point and shaped to promote growth and not out of control androgenic expression.

Be careful with whey protein because that can upregulate insulin and especially growth hormone and IGF-1 any increase in any of those things and you will have an uphill battle with your hair. Not to mention that I don't trust leucine, isoleucine and valine in excess for your hair.

Chicken is good, beef as long as its lean, don't be blasting delicious marbled steaks all the time, they might be delicious but your hair won't thank you.

These days I'm using:

- tea tree oil as a spot treatment because my scalp will sporadically break out and get inflamed, it has helped

- miconazole nitrate when tea tree oil does not work

- cetirizine topical solution which I prepare myself and apply to my scalp in a witch hazel solution because my scalp gets red and inflamed and it inhibits pgd2 (this has been working)

- finacea topical

- estriol topical

- a small amount of zinc (like 12mg) here and there, just "when I feel I need it"

- copper and manganese because both are required to produce collagen and zinc antagonizes copper levels

- b12 shots (because I have a vulnerability to pernicious anaemia, and this will impair hair growth if it is untreated)

- vegan iron supplement because my iron levels get low for some seemingly unknown reason

- vit d (again, this will give your hair growth issues if you don't have enough)

- magnesium because vit d leeches calcium into the bloodstream

- castor oil a couple times a week at bedtime applied to my scalp if I'm feeling it

- adenogen lotion by shiseido, this was recommended by kevin mann, he said it was "ok", and I know for a fact that it is working for me, every time I added a new thing over time I saw an increase in hair growth, and adenogen was definitely one of them, but it is expensive, it is essentially my minoxidil that doesn't make my skin look like sh*t.

- betamethasone topical lotion which I use as needed but never waiting more than three days because it can "upset" your skin and scalp

- psyllium fibre (do not underestimate this simple, yes bad tasting supplement, it improves blood sugar/insulin issues and also helps control circulating androgens, not to mention its polymer nature is like using that ghosty glob stuff people use to clean off their keyboard for their insides, same with sporadically using bentonite clay, keep your GI tract on point!)

A lot of my routine outside of the core stuff I just take it as I need it, there is no hard routine because my body is constantly changing, it's like spinning plates due to the multiple health issues I have.

All I can say to others is you're going to have to learn how to read your body and understand what your body needs, that's how you will master stubborn hair loss, and trust me, this second time around was not f*****g easy, I was super depressed for months over it and I could not figure out why the old routine did not work as it once did.

This is why I'm trying to be as helpful as possible, and why you should value people on this forum who can offer you hair saving advice, I want to spare others the unnecessary suffering I went through.
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It involves a lot of things relating to unique medical issues that I have which others may not, and I don't really want to bog people down with the minutiae of things I do to offset inflammatory/immunological problems because of thyroid issues and addison's disease.

I also nearly died of an infection as an infant which seems to be indicative of early life thyroid problems which may have caused an inflammatory/immune disorder that I have had to deal with most of my life off and on.

It's a -lot- of stuff, and a lot of it does not translate well to the hairloss issues of regular guys and I don't want to lead them down a false path.

But there were three simple things I did/had taken the first time I recovered from hair loss:

- betamethasone scalp lotion

- beta sitosterol complex (derived from flax)

- evening primrose oil

Also on top of that, aggressively avoid oily greasy foods, I was eating very clean back then, protein is good, but make sure your diet is on point and shaped to promote growth and not out of control androgenic expression.

Be careful with whey protein because that can upregulate insulin and especially growth hormone and IGF-1 any increase in any of those things and you will have an uphill battle with your hair. Not to mention that I don't trust leucine, isoleucine and valine in excess for your hair.

Chicken is good, beef as long as its lean, don't be blasting delicious marbled steaks all the time, they might be delicious but your hair won't thank you.

These days I'm using:

- tea tree oil as a spot treatment because my scalp will sporadically break out and get inflamed, it has helped

- miconazole nitrate when tea tree oil does not work

- cetirizine topical solution which I prepare myself and apply to my scalp in a witch hazel solution because my scalp gets red and inflamed and it inhibits pgd2 (this has been working)

- finacea topical

- estriol topical

- a small amount of zinc (like 12mg) here and there, just "when I feel I need it"

- copper and manganese because manganese because both are required to produce collagen and zinc antagonizes copper levels

- b12 shots (because I have a vulnerability to pernicious anaemia, and this will impair hair growth if it is untreated)

- vegan iron supplement because my iron levels get low for some seemingly unknown reason

- vit d (again, this will give your hair growth issues if you don't have enough)

- magnesium because vit d leeches calcium into the bloodstream

- castor oil a couple times a week at bedtime applied to my scalp if I'm feeling it

- adenogen lotion by shiseido, this was recommended by kevin mann, he said it was "ok", and I know for a fact that it is working for me, every time I added a new thing over time I saw an increase in hair growth, and adenogen was definitely one of them, but it is expensive, it is essentially my minoxidil that doesn't make my skin look like sh*t.

- betamethasone topical lotion which I use as needed but never waiting more than three days because it can "upset" your skin and scalp

- psyllium fibre (do not underestimate this simple, yes bad tasting supplement, it improves blood sugar/insulin issues and also helps control circulating androgens, not to mention its polymer nature is like using that ghosty glob stuff people use to clean off their keyboard for their insides, same with sporadically using bentonite clay, keep your GI tract on point!)

A lot of my routine outside of the core stuff I just take it as I need it, there is no hard routine because my body is constantly changing, it's like spinning plates due to the multiple health issues I have.

All I can say to others is you're going to have to learn how to read your body and understand what your body needs, that's how you will master stubborn hair loss, and trust me, this second time around was not f*****g easy, I was super depressed for months over it and I could not figure out why the old routine did not work as it once did.

This is why I'm trying to be as helpful as possible, and why you should value people on this forum who can offer you hair saving advice, I want to spare others the unnecessary suffering I went through.

Tank you very much for all you advices, we are all suffering from Hair Loss, we need to learn and evolve together in this.

Your experience is very valuable to all the sufferers
