Micro Botox To Ease Tension Word Word Word


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why haven’t we considered it or had any reports on this site. The results according to the study don’t look bad, the micro amounts don’t make you look like cone head, a one time procedure and it can be done in nearly and big city. Is there a reason I’m not seeing?

(Pics in study link)
looks like very good results at 24 wks.. so its a once of treatment or needs repeat annualy ?

best botox results i havr seen so who else is going to try it... i would imigane this would be great as one part of a regime for better results


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The results are certainly intriguing, though I wonder why they only show 5 images when there were 10 patients.

Maybe this is something I’ll look into, I’m losing ground pretty quickly here without a maintenance option.


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looks interesting,70% of positive response is always good to read...
"7 of 10 patients had good to excellent response. Two patients had fair response and one showed poor response"

look at this older thread:
"75% of the people with male pattern baldness had a response to some degree , and the response was ranged to stopping hair loss to 30% gain over a year ." so that means 1x injections/year right?
so around 70% "succeess" looks legit.
on this thread , the op "Preston" had this procedure done in belgium for 350€ and at the time saw some positive signs, no updates afterwards though


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For diffuse thinners like this seems like the obvious move but the more I think about it the less sure I am.

Botox is a neurotoxin and recent studies show to does travel, just a few cm, away from the injection site.

Additionally the idea is that it basically stays there for months so I wouldn’t be poking around, dermaroll or anything while it’s there


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Plus scans and hair counts. Also tf you saying, in the posted article the angles and lighting are the same in every picture


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This one is my favorite. Seems like the procedure makes your skin and the background darker o_O


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It’s not about his response it is about the difference in exposuretime/ flash, which is present in all pictures.

Exactly. If you matched the exposure of before and after on the good responder, you realize that the results aren’t that impressive. You can easily see that in the two different skin tones. How do people still fall for this after all these years of scam photos?


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"The 18% increase in hair count is similar to that achieved with finasteride. How injecting BTX A into scalp muscles could be protected as intellectual property is difficult to see."

guys wo so harsh?

its not like the pics of minoxidil studies were so better..and it would already be a success if it would slow down or even stop progressing hairloss

and when i look at this thread it might not be the worst approach


its not always about regrowth

too bad there is no money in it for companies


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why dont more people try this? especially when you still have hair? the earlier you do this the better


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I just had botox done recently. I may email this to my derm and see if he'd be willing to give me a shot at each temple.

Although the study just posted about frontal balding in women is a little concerning.