Microneedling Potential Cause Of Cancer?


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i just stumbled upon the connection of microneedling and cancer on tressless where a few times a thread about that topic popped up, with claims of microneedling could potentially cause cancer.

i found a source of information where the theory is explained:


please don't get mad at me if you think i'm stupid for bringing this up, read this first:

i started dermarolling late 2018 i guess and i actually got cancer. i'm not treated yet, sadly i have to go into rebiopsy and the first one took 8 weeks and failed, so i don't have a final result yet, but prognosis is hodgkin lymphoma.

i'm by no means claiming one has to do with the other!

but: maybe you can understand that i'm a bit worried on continuing dermarolling with this information in the back of my head. maybe some of you heard about it, maybe it got debunked or whatever, i thought it's at least worthwhile to talk about this!



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I totally understand your concern. I have few freckles in the place where I microneedling so I was afraid of getting melanoma or something. I would say that keeping your microneedling area out of the sun(at least till it is healed) is important. UV it is what causes DNA damage and thats may lead to neoplasm. About this case it is hard to tell if its microneedling, most people with hodgkin lymphona is 15-35 years(which I assume this guy is) old plus you dont dive deep with your microneedling to get to lymph node, to damage them. Plus most studies with microneedling didnt notice any increase chance of cancer although they may have poor follow-up to even notice it.


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I'm curious what else you were using at the time? I've read that article before. I don't recall her reasoning, but I remember it was bunk. Chronic wounding might be a concern though.


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I'm curious what else you were using at the time? I've read that article before. I don't recall her reasoning, but I remember it was bunk. Chronic wounding might be a concern though.

Been using a Ket-lotion and topical peppermint/rosemary oil on and off. later then i tried the hair serum from the ordinary.

However, i'm not going to microneedle again til the cancer is gone. I'm also on the fence on using the topicals again. I might pick up the ordinary serum again. I stopped using everything for 2 months now and i feel like my hair thinned out a bit. Could be all due to the stressful situation as well, who knows. Hair is really not of importance right now, but i'm also not seeing myself dead in a few months, so why should i not do what i can if it is of no harm.


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Needling has been done for thousands of years, I think it would be been exposed if there were any real danger at all.
Its not lost on me that the Website hiding that scary article offers alternative products, at very high prices. just a co-incidence, of course...