Middle Aged Women

Thin Jim

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Their are certain women at the place where I work who are the most annoying, judgemental, and rude poeple that I have ever come across.

These women seem to think that they have a right to give you their personal oppinion on everything about you. Your personality, your appearance, your attitude, your social life, everything. Its getting to the point where I want to smash their faces in.

They will say things like "your so miserable you never smile", "your so unsociable", "damn youve put on some weight lately", and "why dont you have a girlfriend". They also comment on my hair saying "what have you done to it", "have you had your hair cut", "your gonna end up bald if you keep dying your hair".

I do not make any real attempt to talk to them other than say hello and they feel they can say these things to me.

These women are the work gossips. I feel that I am constantly under a spotlight with them and they are scanning me all the time for something to comment on. They are loud, obnoxious, and also stupid.

I could spend hours knocking them down with their flaws but dont becuase I have manners and are sensative to peoples feelings. Also I cannot really say anything cause I am in a higher position than them at work and have to be nice.

Do any of you guys have women like this at work. These Middle aged women who have nothing better to do than gossip and judge people around them all the time. I never get this from old women or even girls around my age.



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why dont you just defend yourselve....
i dont mean that you have to insult them but just make some comments on their appearance to ......
you dont have to tolerate everything they say
Just my 2 cents



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Thin Jim said:
These Middle aged women who have nothing better to do than gossip and judge people around them all the time.

There are plenty of women like this. Dont let it get to you its just that they've had their time and now have nothing better to do except watch their lives and appearances slowly turn to $h!t£.
Dont rise to it remember you are a gentleman. Just smile and think about how much better it is to still be young and outgoing.


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If it's one thing I've observed, it's the nonsensical mumblings and superfluous remarks of women in the work place.

As sexist as this sounds, I feel that women cannot simply compute on the level of comprehension and understanding as men do... New studies come up all the time, claiming men to be smarter.

But, to summarize, I think that women have no idea that they're actually infringing upon your feelings, and you dislike that.

I'm sure if you were honest with these women, or used a sly sarcasm, then they'd back off a little bit.

Maybe give them the cold shoulder?

"Hey, you're looking pretty down for a Monday!"

"Yeah, well, feelin' like it. Don't let anyone in my office."

Heh, something like that.

Sorry if I'm rambling... I haven't had morning coffee yet.


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Generally its ok to trash a guy's confidence/feelings but ohhhh nooooo...don't even try that with a lady 'cause you are labeled as an insensitive imbecile.


Thin Jim

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Yeah I know what you mean Nathaniel. If I was to say anything insensitive to them they would probably start crying saying how mean and malicious I was. I would probably hear about it from my boss as well.

Sometimes I feel like saying things like "what do you actually look like under that inch thick layer of makeup, damn you must be so ugly", and "your *** is impressive its atl east 4 times bigger than Jennifer Lopez", or "if I knew the whales were coming into work today I would have brought my Harpoon", Stuff that I know will really hurt them. At least then they might leave me alone.


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Aplunk1 said:
As sexist as this sounds, I feel that women cannot simply compute on the level of comprehension and understanding as men do... New studies come up all the time, claiming men to be smarter.

Electricity, roads, bridges, skyscapers, the internet, the internal combustion / jet engine, satelites, computers, television, radio, telephones....(ie the entire modern world)
Were they invented by men or women? :D


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s.a.f said:
Aplunk1 said:
As sexist as this sounds, I feel that women cannot simply compute on the level of comprehension and understanding as men do... New studies come up all the time, claiming men to be smarter.

Electricity, roads, bridges, skyscapers, the internet, the internal combustion / jet engine, satelites, computers, television, radio, telephones....(ie the entire modern world)
Were they invented by men or women? :D

you are both quite correct with your observations.

unfortunately, us men have really shot ourselves in the foot now, because we have made everything in this world push button, easy to open, power assisted.

those smart b****s have sat back waited for us to do all this and now they can take over...you dont need brawn anymore or any of the other traditional male strengths to get by in this world.

gentlemen, we are redundant....we're not even needed to impregnate them now.


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by the way "what's the similarity between a woman and a typhoon?
# when they come they're warm and wet and when they leave they take half your house.

what does this have to do with going bald?

i dont know but i feel better for saying it.


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women are not as stupid as you´ll figure. The women stereotype sure it is.

I used to think women were dumb, in high school. Then I went to college and met some women teachers that outperformed the majority of men I know, at maths, chemistry, physics...

But they had lower egos and less confidence. I´ve seen a lot of less greater male professors with HUGE egos, and that sense of superiority only a man can sport.

And for creativity, believe it or not, a good self steem is basic. I think this is why women tend to follow other paths, like experimentation and laboratory work.

Also they have it harder to find a heavy position into project direction jobs.

Well, talking about common people and population of the world, I think women are at least as dumb as we men are, but with a lesser chance of being heard.