Middle of the scalp more male pattern baldness than the rest?


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Whenever I try to part my hair in the middle of my head, it paints a bleak picture of my hair quality. Slide the part left or right just a bit, and it looks great. Almost no noticable hairloss when parted pretty much ANYWHERE but the exact center of my head. What gives?


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I don't see the explanation, but maybe it was lost in all the garbage about how sleeping on your pillow will save your hair...

Bone Daddy

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Deaner, you have alot of opinion swings.. what gives?


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what, because the middle of my hair is still kinda crappy? The rest is doing great, I'm still happy with my hair overall. It's definitely improving, and I'm definitely seeing the potential for even better things in the future. It's just, parting my hair in the middle has ALWAYS been a trouble spot, but it wasn't always JUST the middle like it is now, it used to be everywhere...

Bone Daddy

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No, not that.

It's just in every thread you make, you have a different view about the state of your hair. It almost follows a pattern. It's good, it's crap, it's good, it's crap, repeat.. I like the positive posts, but the negative ones that come shortly after make me feel odd, as i'm on the same regimin.

Sorry for the derail, rock on!


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No, not that? But then you went on to basically say "Oh wait, yes, that". Like I said, my hair's doing great, but the center just seems to be more diffuse than the rest. And again, like I just responded, the middle of my hair's always been a trouble spot when parting, moreso than the restof my head, but now it's SOLELY the middle, whereas the rest of my head is getting way better looking when I part it.