Mike's Story


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I just turned 27 and for the last six months I've noticed I've been losing my hair. I notice when I wash my hair, I have a lot of hair on my hands. My hair is falling out top but not receding. And my vertex is fine. I tried using Nioxin, and it did nothing. I've started using Nizoral, but I find after 12 hours, my scalp is itchy and oily. I'm thinking of using it everyday, is it ok? I definitely notice more hair falls out when my scalp is oily and itchy.

Last Friday I went to a Dermatologist, and he didn't tell me much. He didn't think I have male pattern baldness, because my hairline or temples weren't receding. But from what I've been reading, the best action to fight hair loss is preventation. So should I get another doctor's opinion? Any suggestions?

The Rock

Established Member
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a second opinion is always good, but on top of that it would be a good idea to maybe send us some pics.


Experienced Member
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yeah, definitely get a second opinion. I would say you do have male pattern baldness, and you should get on propecia/ nizoral now. i wouldn't use nizoral everyday, rotate it with T-Sal, which is also known to aid in hairloss prevention.


Senior Member
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Yep, looks like male pattern baldness.

The standard first move is to take 1mg of Finasteride per day. Proscar tablets contain 5mg of finasteride, so by quartering them you can save a good few quid.

http://www.qhi.co.uk are very reasonable, although you have to fill in a disclaimer form prior to ordering. This can be printed out and faxed/posted back to them or they'll send a form after you place your first order and then delay delivery until you return said form to them.



New Member
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Unfortunately, I'm in the US. I ordered 30 tablets of Finasteride. First, I want to see how my body reacts to the medication. But thanks for the tip about Proscar, I'll look into that.

Traxdata, Giggsy has been on fire lately. Hopefully they'll get at result against Milan.