Min Agent Review (Minoxidil, Aminexil/Kopexil, Procapil etc)


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You can see from my regimen that I am alternating the MIN range of hygiene (and styling) products with Revita. I think the MIN range is excellent - masculine scent, hair feels clean, fresh and perhaps a little thicker. Whether it is stopping my hair loss is another thing!

I recently realised that I had a fair bit of cash I'd forgotten about sitting in a Paypal account, so I decided to snap up some of MIN's latest offering - "Agent" - the MIN version of Spectral DNC is probably the best way to sum it up:


Anyway, I used Agent for the first time last night and to my surprise it is actually a lotion rather than a liquid. This being the case, I wouldn't suggest it for morning applications but it seems to make sense that a lotion would be better for night applications than a liquid. It makes you really rub the stuff into your scalp so it absorbs plus it has a nice menthol and moisturing effect.

I can't speak to Agent's effectiveness yet but it does have Procapil in it (an altered form of Minoxidil I think) which Spectral DNC doesn't and I think it is easier to apply...

These are my intial thoughts anyway...



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Keep us posted Def, i'm on the Min range as well but not tried the agent, lotion sounds messy... Shampoo makes my hair look and feel great but i'm still losing ground so i'm not convinced its helping any....