minoxidil 15%


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What do you guys think of it? Compbined with dermarolling (DRing) could be good maybe.

Do you guys think there is demand for this? I have been trying to get some but living in the US this stuff is hard to get.
A lab I contacted (I will not divulge the name yet) was open to producing minoxidil 15% if there is demand.

Share useful info about minoxidil 15% here please (and links)


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I had some great regrowth while on 15%(along with many other things) but I also had massive heart related side effects, like rapid heart rate, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. Scared me enough to get off it. But I was using a metric crap-ton of it so it might be OK but I would proceed with caution.


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Dermarolling already massively increases topical absorption. I'm not sure what kind of effects people are experiencing with 5% and DR (haven't read the threads), but if the effects are similar to non-DR then it might be worth a try.


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I would be interested, wouldn't use daily but would use 2-3x week