Minoxidil 5% Killing My Hairline Now


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Hey guys, so im really freaking out right now. Let me do a quick backstory, I started 5% minoxidil for the first time back in 2015 spring just on the hairline because i noticed a receding hairline and a massive shed. It was amazing because i literally regrew my juvenilia hairline back, then around october the same year i stopped due to a bald patch that formed. I immediately thought it was minoxidils doing. Fast foward again, I started minoxidil again this year in January(2017) with a once an application a day and then bumped it to twice, by March i regrew my juvenile hairline again! However since July its been all downhill, its like it just stopped working and eating away at my hairline worse then when I started. I know people are going to say thats its due to male pattern baldness progressing but my hairline was pretty stable both times before using minoxidil. What should i do now, does minoxidil 10% work better than 5%? (Ps i use nizoral as anti-dht, im too paranoid about the sides from propecia). Any advice would be helpful!


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if you think 5% is killing your hairline, why would you double it?


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If you grew your juvenile hairline back in 3 months, regardless of the fact that you're losing now, I would just mark that as a statistically significant success and be done with it. Win some, lose some.

Alexis Dumont

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moving to 10% wouldn't be the smartest move ever if you're already reacting this bad to 5%. Why don't you try 2% for a couple of months and then decide if you want to go back to 5% or stay at 2%?


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You already know the answer. Minoxidil doesn't block DHT, so of course it will progress your hairloss. It isn't minoxidil that is killing your hairline. Stop scaring other people -.-

How about adding finasteride to your regime?


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Whats going on here. Cant people google before putting anything on their heads? This isnt the spoonfeeding community.