Minoxidil 5% or Xandrox 5%?


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Is the Minoxidil with azelaic acid (i.e. Xandrox 5%) more effective than the standard minoxidil?
And does Xandrox 5% dry as fast as No. 500 minoxidil?

Dr. Lee will probably claim Xandrox is better.. but is it really the case?


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After trying Xandrox I believe it is not any better than plain minoxidil. Also it's more expenmsive so there's no point investing more for it. How ever, I do think 12,5% and 15% are more effective due to their high concentration of minoxidil (and there aren't versions without azelaic acid).

I believe that it's would wiser to use plain minoxidil. To combat DHT, if someone wishes to do it toppically, I suggest that he spironolactone or fluridil which are probabely more effective than azelaic acid.

Good luck,