minoxidil 5%.....someone please!!!


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Hi, I am going around in circles trying to find a place to buy minoxidil 5% in CANADA. It is only available OTC in 2% here. Does anybody have any info on this for me? There are so many sites outside of Canada, who can I trust? Thanks.....


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IIRC 5%minoxidil is percription only in Canada. Order it online


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Or get a prescription from your doctor.

The Gardener

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US is just as stupid. A kid can pick up a bottle of 5% minoxidil with no prescription or anything... but you can't get 2% Nizoral without a prescription like you can in Canada.

I sense a good illicit business opportunity. Purchase a huge stuffed bear, and place it in the bed of a towed UHaul truck. Take the stuffing out of the bear, and use it to hide shipments of 5% minoxidil to Canada, and on the return leg, 2% Nizoral for Americans.

What the hell. I thought NAFTA was supposed to solve shitlike this.


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The Gardener said:
US is just as stupid. A kid can pick up a bottle of 5% minoxidil with no prescription or anything... but you can't get 2% Nizoral without a prescription like you can in Canada.

In the UK a 12 year old kid can go into a pharmacy and legally pick up a bottle of 2% Nizoral and 5% minoxidil.

God bless the queen.


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that link powerchords gave is much cheaper than dr. lee's. what makes dr. lee's minoxidil better? do u guys think i should just switch to the cheaper one.


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You know I used to work in a few animal hospitals, and Nizoral is used on dogs, as are many meds of course.

You can probably just call a local animal hospital and ask for the 5% Nizoral. It is worth a shot anyway. It IS the same stuff, and I think they will more than likely just sell it to you if you act like you have bought it before.



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jimjohn said:
what makes dr. lee's minoxidil better?

Dr Lees dries much much quicker, in around 10-15 minutes, rogaine takes hours (as much as 3-4) to dry.


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Haven't timed it, but the Safeway generic minoxidil I've been using seems to dry - almost to the touch - in around 10 minutes.


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joseph49853 said:
Haven't timed it, but the Safeway generic minoxidil I've been using seems to dry - almost to the touch - in around 10 minutes.

Is the Safeway generic minoxidil you use 5% ?


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Radio said:
Is the Safeway generic minoxidil you use 5% ?

Yes. The bottle lists: minoxidil 5%, alcohol 30%, propylene glycol 50%, and purified water, as its ingredients.