minoxidil after hair surgery ?


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Hi all,

I have been browsing this site for a few years now but dont post much.
Here is my short story...

I am a 41 year old male. I have been on minoxidil and generic propecia for almost 2 years now. I didnt get much result for regrowt but i think i stabilized my hair loss. I am basicay happy with my hair that i have left on the sides and top. But my problem is frontal hair lost. I am planing to get an hair transplant soon. I have to go consult and i know pretty much who i will go see based on what i red here.

But i have a question;

I using minoxidil for almost 2 years and if i did grow some hair what happens if i get a transplant and stop using minoxidil but keep on using finasteride what happens to the hair that grew with minoxidil ? Should i keep using minoxidil after surgery ?


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the hair you have gained/maintained from using minoxidil has become dependent on its use

just because you have not had much regrowth doesn't mean that it hasn't help you to maintain

the derm will probably recommend to continue using minoxidil after the surgery
i think like 2 weeks after the surgery or when all the scabs fall off i cant remember

the derm may require you to stop using minoxidil a week before surgery
as minoxidil can cause you to bleed alot
you dont want alot of bleeding

it can make placing the grafts much more difficult and could possibly result in cobble stoning or somthing similar

i would recommend to continue with all your treatments even after your surgery

cheers mate


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Thanks for the info.

Thats what i assumed too unfortunatly.
I dont mind cotinuing the finasteride but the minoxidil is such a pain....

But hey you know what they say, no pain no gain :)

the hair you have gained/maintained from using minoxidil has become dependent on its use

just because you have not had much regrowth doesn't mean that it hasn't help you to maintain

the derm will probably recommend to continue using minoxidil after the surgery
i think like 2 weeks after the surgery or when all the scabs fall off i cant remember

the derm may require you to stop using minoxidil a week before surgery
as minoxidil can cause you to bleed alot
you dont want alot of bleeding

it can make placing the grafts much more difficult and could possibly result in cobble stoning or somthing similar

i would recommend to continue with all your treatments even after your surgery

cheers mate

El Nino

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IMO, Finastride is the most effective hairloss drug.

But, I would continue to use minoxidil 12 months after your hair transplant to help speed up the growth.