
Minoxidil - after Three Months


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Hi all. I decided to go on Minoxidil 3 months ago (Kirkland liquid for 1st month, then 'QGain@ foam for last 2, x2 day), whilst continuing 1mg Propecia (over 7 years), Nizoral (6 months) and Lazer Comb (6 months, albeit not used in last 2 weeks as sent back for refund to QVC as didn't think worth the price).

Having put off minoxidil for 7 years, users on this forum persuaded me, having realised the Propecia has finally 'lost its grip' on my agressive male pattern baldness genes.

No major sides reported (possibly slightly heightened 'black eyes' and forehead lines, but I may be just paranoid here) and I had a massive shed after 2 weeks (as expected) for a good 2 weeks. Much less hair fell out in shower months 2-3, but now I feel my vertex hairs are still incredibly fine and I can literally pull them out with not too much difficulty.

My question thus is, is this a good sign that the minoxidil is still shedding the 'minaturised' hairs, and thus I am just speeding up the process by pulling them out, or that the minoxidil is not working for me? I will leave till the 4-6 month mark to fully evaluate.

I am now even thinking that possibly the lazercomb was working afterall! Albeit I'm not sure that non-use in just 2 weeks would impact that so quickly. It was just that I did the 'hair-pull' test a few weeks ago, and it was definetely harder to pull hair out the vertex area, but now it is so easy I am worried that something has gone wrong!

I personally think the minoxidil liquid was having more impact, but it was so oily and a pain (plus gave me headaches). My only other routes are to obtain a solution with Azelaic acid in or to up the finasteride doseage. Dutasteride is a definite no for me.


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the 3 month mark on minoxidil is rough. Boy I had a shed. I would say (although listen to the other opinions as well) that what you are losing now is simply a result of minoxidil, and that's good! Thicker hair will grow in the thin hair's place.

Think of it as investing for the long-run. I don't think anything has gone wrong friend.


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the 3 month mark on minoxidil is rough. Boy I had a shed. I would say (although listen to the other opinions as well) that what you are losing now is simply a result of minoxidil, and that's good! Thicker hair will grow in the thin hair's place.

Think of it as investing for the long-run. I don't think anything has gone wrong friend.

Hi DrDog, from your experiences, roughly how long did it take post your three month 'heavy shed' for new/stronger hair to return? I assume it would take longer than say by plucking a normal 'healthy' hair, due to the follicle 'repair' taking place via the minoxidil.

Also, were you on liquid or foam and did you experience any follicle soreness/very mild burn during the periods of heavy shed

I seem to have a lot of minaturised hair in my thinning vertex area, as opposed to no hair/shiny scalp so I guess there's still hope at least if only the minaturisation can be reversed!

Shehzad hossain

New Member
My Regimen
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I have seen excellent result so far after 74days of using
minoxidil ( Kirkland's foam)
dermaroller .5mm
nizoral1% shampoo( every other day)
Sebamed shampoo

I will continue this regimen
Impressed with the results


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