minoxidil and Blood pressure


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Just thought I'd share this with all of you.

I've been to the doctor a couple times in the past 2 weeks due to a sports injury I incurred. Every time I go they take my blood pressure which for the first 3 times was 125-130. I typically went in the afternoons for these three visits. However, the last two times I went was in the morning about 1 hour after I applied my morning minoxidil(5%). In the blood pressure test I was down to around 105 both times, noticeably different. Obviously there could be other factors at work, but I'm sure it has something to do the minoxidil and its affect on the blood pressure. I read somewhere that it was originally used to fight high blood pressure and now you get an idea of the affect it really has.


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True dat.


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Yes your right it was used as a last resort hypertension fighting drug due to its ill effects on the organs of the body.

I would assume that systimatically it would have that effect- whether it poses a long term risk is probably very small - i belive people who used it for blood pressure reasons found it was only useful for a few years before the body became used to it. Maybe thats the same limitation you can get from using it as a growth stimulator.


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hellohello said:
Yes your right it was used as a last resort hypertension fighting drug due to its ill effects on the organs of the body.

What Ill effects on the organs do you speak of?


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Can't rememeber exactly, but ill efects from fluid retention which can lead to kindey/ heart and/or liver failure.

Bit of a catch 22, if you have severe blood pressure issues, you could either rely on less effective drugs and may eventually burst your aorta or take this drug and risk dying by basically drowing your organs.

Sounds a bit melodramatic - I wouldnt worry too much about using minoxidil thow, just don't go over the recommended doseage and you should be fine!