minoxidil and Chest Pain


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Hey ya'll. I ordered Dr. Lee's 5% Xandrox a few weeks ago and shortly after I applied it I got deep, stabbing chest pains right in the heart area. I'd just recently shaved my head with a razor and use T/Sal as part of my regimen so I figured it was attributed to that. The next day I cut the dose in half and tried 2 sprays—still got chest pain. The next day, 1 spray—still got chest pain.

I e-mailed Dr. Lee and he rightly told me to stop taking minoxidil-related products right away:

Dr. Lee said:

You should discontinue using any formulas containing minoxidil immediately. See Side Effects below. Minoxidil can be bad for your heart.

Please keep me advised of your progress,

Richard Lee, M.D.

Side Effects: Although rare, patients who are sensitive to the minoxidil in Xandrox can experience a rapid heart rate, a drop in blood pressure and water retention.  As a result, they may experience headaches, dizziness, chest pain and/or edema of the ankles. If that happens, the patients should discontinue any formulas containing minoxidil.  In our experience, these side effects have occurred in less than 0.1% of patients.

What's weird is that I used to use generic minoxidil (Equate brand from Wal-Mart) and never had this problem. I wonder if it has something to do with the fast absorbtion of Dr. Lee's stuff. If my system is really sensitive to minoxidil then maybe the longer drying time for generic minoxidil will be better for me since it would be released in my system more gradually.

Any takes?


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Rawbbie is my Prag said:
What's weird is that I used to use generic minoxidil (Equate brand from Wal-Mart) and never had this problem. I wonder if it has something to do with the fast absorbtion of Dr. Lee's stuff. If my system is really sensitive to minoxidil then maybe the longer drying time for generic minoxidil will be better for me since it would be released in my system more gradually.

Any takes?

Hello Temples...or should I say Rabbiew is my prag, :)

Bro, I would go with your theory. It sounds to me like the quick dry time and perhaps fast absorption into your body is causing you the problem. Its funny, cause I started using Rogain on my 'temples' and had to stop because I started getting real bad headaches. Try going back to the old stuff and see what happens.

Just my 2 cents...

Paki Polamalu