minoxidil and dry scalp help...


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hey guys,
i started kirklands 5% minoxidil about a week and a half ago and it is irritating the crap out of my scalp! its not just like dandruff, my scalp is peeling. i am using nizoral 1% but it doesnt really seem to help that much. also i can already tell that it has made my hairline thinner.. what should i do?!


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You might start using a coal tar shampoo such as T-Gel. That often soothes dry, itchy scalps.


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i thought thats what the nizoral shampoo is for..? i picked some up last week because it has got such good reviews on this site but i cant tell the difference between that and my regular shampoo..?


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kirkland minoxidil does that to my scalp also. get neutrogena intensive anti flake dandruff control.. leave it on for at least five minutes. it'll solve your problem. trust me


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cess150 said:
hey guys,
i started kirklands 5% minoxidil about a week and a half ago and it is irritating the crap out of my scalp! its not just like dandruff, my scalp is peeling. i am using nizoral 1% but it doesnt really seem to help that much. also i can already tell that it has made my hairline thinner.. what should i do?!
Try using some folligen. It's great for inflammation. Even applying Emu oil is helpful. Using both would be even better. Apply folligen first then apply emu oil afterward. Besides the emu oil will help push more folligen in the follicles. It's good for that.

Nixon's Head

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It's not your scalp is that which is peeling. The PPG in the minoxidil dries and leaves a thin layer on the scalp. It then comes off in those large flakes that you've talk about. The reason that the t/gel works so well on those flakes is not because of the active ingredient in the T/gel (coal tar) but becasue it contains an effective (although somewhat drying) cleansing agent.


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that sounds possible but then why even after i wash my hair with nizoral 1% is my scalp red and irritated looking? it has gone away a little though over the past couple days, maybe my skinjust needs to sdjust to the minoxidil?? thanks guys


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Nixon's Head said:
It's not your scalp is that which is peeling. The PPG in the minoxidil dries and leaves a thin layer on the scalp. It then comes off in those large flakes that you've talk about. The reason that the t/gel works so well on those flakes is not because of the active ingredient in the T/gel (coal tar) but becasue it contains an effective (although somewhat drying) cleansing agent.

don't listen to this guy. it is your skin peeling.


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cess150 said:
that sounds possible but then why even after i wash my hair with nizoral 1% is my scalp red and irritated looking? it has gone away a little though over the past couple days, maybe my skinjust needs to sdjust to the minoxidil?? thanks guys
You sure have a sensitive scalp. Dude if I were you get some folligen. sh*t is great for irritation. Many other things as well. Go to http://www.folligen.com and read about it. There are MANY other products as well. All of them based on copper peptides. Believe me you won't be unhappy with the results. Maybe the alcohol in the minoxidil is drying out your scalp. Try some emu oil too. Good sh*t.


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it happens if you put a lot of minoxidil on your scalp. i don't stick to the regular dose. i put on minoxdil everywhere i'm thinning

Nixon's Head

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ix said:
Nixon's Head said:
It's not your scalp is that which is peeling. The PPG in the minoxidil dries and leaves a thin layer on the scalp. It then comes off in those large flakes that you've talk about. The reason that the t/gel works so well on those flakes is not because of the active ingredient in the T/gel (coal tar) but becasue it contains an effective (although somewhat drying) cleansing agent.

don't listen to this guy. it is your skin peeling.

It is most certainly not your scalp peeling. First of all, get some minoxidil, put some on a plate or something, and let it dry. Pull it off. It will look just like those flakes in your hair. Second, look at the flakes in your hair under a microscope. It is clear that it is not skin. Look at real skin under a microscope. Compare, contrast. Clearly those huge flakes are not skin. Third, they come off in huge sheets, sheets that you can grab and pull off.. So it isnt dandruff. Fourth, if they were real skin all of our heads would just be horrible, red, bleeding messes. Have you ever had a sunburn that peeled? Do they look the same to you? With a sunburn if you lose skin and it leaves an indentation or potmark where all that skin was. But when you remove a layer of something else then you just pull it off of your head, with not real damage to the skin underneath. Honestly, just ask yourself, could we all be losing that much skin one our heads, day after day, without it bleeding? Ridiculous.