Minoxidil and ears


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My left ear fell off after 4 months of minoxidil. application. Thankfully though the new hair growth is able to cover the gaping hole in my skull.

Best of luck...

Pirate Commander F.B.

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Lestat, I've heard of ear-shedding, but I thought the ears always grew back. Yours didn't? Now I'm scared to try minoxidil. Anybody else who didn't grow their ears back?


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In fact, my ears have turned red a few times. Maybe I should start counting them. :shock:


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Yes it is quite possible that you will in fact lose your ears if you discontinue the minoxidil. The same goes for propecia and your testicles. They become dependant on the anti-dht qualities of propecia and they will soon shrivel up and detach themselves if you discontinue finasteride after 6 months. If you don't believe me, ask the Gardener. This supposedly happened to him last year. Although there are some discrepencies as to if he ever had balls in the 1st place.. that is up to debate.
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ShedMaster said:
Yes it is quite possible that you will in fact lose your ears if you discontinue the minoxidil. The same goes for propecia and your testicles. They become dependant on the anti-dht qualities of propecia and they will soon shrivel up and detach themselves if you discontinue finasteride after 6 months. If you don't believe me, ask the Gardener. This supposedly happened to him last year. Although there are some discrepencies as to if he ever had balls in the 1st place.. that is up to debate.

Ahoy lad,

This here be true?? Can a man shrivel his nuts up?? My nuts are a burden. I use to have a wooden wheelbarrel to carry me nuts around in, but I loaned it to Capn Ty. I be lookin into this...


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you guys are overreacting, this is just a normal shed and is to be expected. right when i first got on minoxidil i lost my ears but if you read the bottle it even tells you that shedding means the minoxidil is working. i kept with it and my right ear has already grown back and i'm already seeing a nice little stub develop on my left side that already looks thicker and healthier than my old ear.


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Oh my. Diffuse thinning of the ears? Sounds pretty nasty. :S

The Gardener

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ShedMaster said:
Yes it is quite possible that you will in fact lose your ears if you discontinue the minoxidil. The same goes for propecia and your testicles. They become dependant on the anti-dht qualities of propecia and they will soon shrivel up and detach themselves if you discontinue finasteride after 6 months. If you don't believe me, ask the Gardener. This supposedly happened to him last year. Although there are some discrepencies as to if he ever had balls in the 1st place.. that is up to debate.

It's true. My testicles are shaped like Kevin Bacon's head, and when they talk, they have Sean Connery's voice. In stereo, if you know what I mean.

They give live color commentary whenever I am having sex, and they are pretty damn funny. One of my nuts likes to critique my pissing too. When I'm at the urinal, I'll hear that Connery-like voice... 'wow.. now THATSH a shtrong shtream of pish!'


Capn Long Schlong Silver said:
This here be true?? Can a man shrivel his nuts up?? My nuts are a burden. I use to have a wooden wheelbarrel to carry me nuts around in, but I loaned it to Capn Ty. I be lookin into this...

The wheelbarrel is now legally mine.