MINOXIDIL and STYLING + shedding?


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hey im starting on my minoxidil 2% resume soon
just wondering i was told to leave it on for at least 4 hours, damn does this mean that i have to go out or to school with a shitty *** hairdo? (i'm 17)

or is it ok if i put gel or styling products on it a few minutes afterwards? cuz i cant wait 4 hours for it to dry and then add gel :(

also i've noticed that my hair is fallin out like crazy in pretty big #'s after brushing or even slicking my fingers through my hair. sometimes my scalp itches like hell and tiny pieces of skin fall out during brushing. i am not sure if this is DANDRUFF or a Itchy Scalp Condition because i dont have flaky skin thats visible on my hair. could this be the reason of my excessive hair loss (shedding?)? right now im using herbal essence shampoo its pretty soft and moisturizes well but if the scalp condition is causin the hair loss i'm immediately switching to t-gel.

thanks for reading


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I recommend applying the minoxidil after you have styled your hair. Use the dropper and simply apply directly to the scalp as much as possible without messing up your hair. This is difficult yes, but try to dry off the edges of the dropper before applying.


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thanks but hmm that seems hard... would it be ok if i just wore a hat? or does that screw up the minoxidil effectiveness/process?


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Option 1: Use Dr Lee's minoxidil which is meant to dry quicker...

Option 2: Apply the minoxidil, put hat on, go to school but take a brush in your bag. When you get to school go to the toilets and brush your hair, by which time it should be reasonably dry, if not totaly.

Bang ! Problem solved.


Get up early (ish) put the minoxidil on,

put on a wooly hat or beenie
with a sheet of plastic between the hat and your hair to stop the minoxidil being absorped by the hat

ths should take you 5-6 minutes

go back to bed for a couple of hours

when you get up to get ready for school have your breakfast first and rinse then style your hair right before you leave.


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Get up early (ish) put the minoxidil on,

put on a wooly hat or beenie
with a sheet of plastic between the hat and your hair to stop the minoxidil being absorped by the hat

ths should take you 5-6 minutes

go back to bed for a couple of hours

when you get up to get ready for school have your breakfast first and rinse then style your hair right before you leave.

Option 3: