minoxidil application question


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im using 5% and 5% with retinoic acid from dr lee. do i have to wash my head before each application or can i stick to washing my head in the shower in the morning before my morning application, once a day?

and im a diffuse thinner. right from the crown to front with the worst of it in the front. how many mLs should i apply during each application?

Nixon's Head

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If you wanted to be really anally retentive about it and also slightly increase its effectivness then you could shower before each one. minoxidil is best when aplied to clean scalp and minoxidil does leave a thin film after it dries. It would be a big bother though. Some people like to apply minoxidil right after their shower while the scalp is still hydrated as this increases penetration of the minoxidil by 5% or so. That is what I do. I apply xandrox15 to towel dried hair with the scalp still slightly damp. That's what I do I apply my big gun when the scalp is fresh, clean, and hydrated. That is the prime enviroment for absorbtion. One thing though, the makers of Reten-A (retinoic acid) say that it sould not be applyed to damp skin because this signifigantly increases irritation. They say to wait at least 30 min. after washing before applying it. So you can either wash--apply xandrox 5%--wait 6-8 hours or more--wash--wait 30 min--apply xandrox 5% with retin-a or just wash--aplly xandrox and then 8 hours later aplly xandrox 5% with retin-a on top of it. I dont think that it would make a signifigant difference. Also regarding the thin film that is left on you head after each application: I would think that the makers of rogaine would have taken this into acount and chose something that can be gotten through easily. Maybe the alcohol can cut thourgh the PPG very easily. Also Dr. Lee's stuff contains much less PPG that rogaine or its generics, I I think that this would be even less of a problem for you.

With regard to how much to apply: you can see that I apply minoxidil in dangerous amounts. I would not recomend this because terrible things will happen to you. Lazyness, fatness, flatulance, impotence, and very, very, oh so very tiny genitals. Also stuff with your blood pressure.


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thanks nixon. ya i dont i can handle washing my head twice a day just for minoxidil. the minoxidil in itself is enough of a hassle.

Nixon's Head

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But that's a good regimine that youve got there. Dr. lee's minoxidil and minoxidil with retin-a are very fast drying. I hope that you are on finasteride too. otherwise you're fighting a losing battle--just treating the symtoms and not the underlying cause--ie DHT. But with Finasteride+minoxidil%5 +minoxidil 5% + retin-a and nizoral 3 times a week youve got a good system. Oh, by the way, I try not to move around alot just after applying dr. lee's stuff. I has got such a high % of alcohol (which is great for penetration of the minoxidil) but it could dry so fast that it doesn't have time to penetrate you scalp very well. I mean just tink how long it takes alcohol to dry if you rub it on your hands and then wave them around. like 30 seconds. Surely that couldn't be enough time to get optimal penetration. So we have a dilema--high alcohol content is great for penetration but it could also dry too fast to penetrate the scalp. that's why I try to move as little as possible for 20 min or so after apply minoxidil to ensure maximum penetration.

With regard to how much to apply: well I can't recomend anything for you to do, but i'll tell you what I do. I also am a diffuse thiner with the worst being up front, so I have bought some heavy guns for my problem areas and cheap minoxidil from walmart for my easy areas. I apply 1ml of xandrox15 up front every day and 1ml of minoxidil 5% with retin-a up front a day too. I then spread the cheap minoxidil all over the rest of the thining areas--about 3-4ml a day.