minoxidil chest pain at night


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I've been using rogaine for about 1.5 months and lately i have been noticing when i go to bed at night i start to feel pressure on my chest for a little while then it stops. i dont get a fast pulse or anything and it only happens when i lay down to go to bed. has this ever happened to anyone? i have a history of anxiety and think it could possibly be that but im not sure...


Yes this comes from minoxidil

i have stoped minoxidil
i had a feeling that i becomes not air in my Lungs
Heart racing-Death anxiety-


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That is interesting. did that side effect stop after you stopped using it? i'm worried it might contuinue if after i stop. as of last night i had no problems, no chest pain i wonder its caused by something else.


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i want to know if anyone has had any chest pain or discomfort when using rogaine then stopped after they discontinued use.


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Had been on finasteride for 4 months before adding minoxidil. I had no chest or heart issues. Once I added minoxidil to the regime I experienced heart and chest discomfort. (two months into taking minoxidil) Decided to lower my dosage of finasteride and drop minoxidil for 3 weeks. It took a few weeks but chest discomfort went away. For experimental purposes I decided to take minoxidil today for the first time in 3 weeks. My chest and heart have felt a little off today after feeling great for the past week. Ive had some minor discomfort all evening. Started around 3 pm. Im not sure of anything yet but I'm starting to think minoxidil is the cause of my heart issues. I havent ruled finasteride out completely but today was a big breakthrough for me. Im thinking about trying the genhair brand of minoxidil. They have "sensitive minoxidil" which may help the problem. I'm hoping to get to the bottom of this soon. I want to know which is causing heart issues for me. finasteride or minoxidil? may be both.