minoxidil & Couvre Classic Catch-22

Molecular Help

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This really is classic, I was wondering what you guys think about it.

I think it's fair to say that if you want to use minoxidil to thicken up an area of thinning hair as opposed to filling in a baldspot or trying to move your hairline forward at the temples it should be bad enough that you need a concealer in that area to be "cosmetically acceptable".

If you're just beginning to thin and don't need a concealer, finasteride is definitely the way to go for the first year, ESPECIALLY for the crown and vertex.

I have thinning in the front center, slight recession, and pretty a shitty looking crown. With couvre it's not bad though. I really want to add minoxidil just for the crown. I figure between that and finasteride (little over 3 months) I have a really good chance of thickening things up back there.

Anyways the catch is I don't see how you can effectively use couvre and minoxidil at the same time. You'd have to wait at least a half hour after applying the minoxidil to put the couvre on. I could see that working fine I guess in the morning, after a shower. But then at night you'd have to wash out the couvre before making your second minoxidil application. So you'd have to always be able to take two showers a day washing your hair each time. Seems like a strain on the hair and impractical if you have other things to do in life besides fight hair loss, a battle I'm trying to keep private.

Like today I didn't get a chance to wash my hair, and it's fine because I'm not using any topicals and my couvre just stays in fine and functional. If I had my minoxidil right now I wouldn't try to put it over the couvre. So you can't use them at the same time!

So if anyone actually read this far (I'm realizing how personal, useless, and pointless of a post this is) I was wondering if anyone uses minoxidil and couvre (there must be some of you!) and how you do it! Also what should I do. I can:

1. Continue what I'm doing- using couvre and toppik in the back indefinitely or perhaps getting lucky and getting regrowth out of my finasteride. Thing is I'd have to be among the moderate or better responders for it to be good enough that I wouldn't need to use minoxidil.
2. Start up on minoxidil and not use couvre: It would look worse for many months, possibly never better if minoxidil doesn't work for me. I do need regrowth though- I at least want to try for it. I would gladly trade my couvre "lifetime routine" for a "minoxidil for life" routine. At least that's real hair :lol:
3. Somehow use them both. Is this possible?

I'd love to get some opinions from minoxidil users. I post all the time... karma come back to me baby!!!

moleculer Helph

too bald too furious

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I have not been using couvre , but am seriously considering dermatch or couvre along my minoxidil application. I think iif u want to use both couvre and minoxidil, and dont want to get into the hassle of showering twice, then you could just shower once in the night, and put on minoxidil. In the morning, put minoxidil again and then when it dries off put couvre.

Molecular Help

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Good tip nexus. Usually I like to put the couvre on right after my shower whenever. But I think I could adapt. I would need to give myself a good 3 hours to let the minoxidil dry before bed (perhaps less with Dr. Lee's), so I would want to use some sort of cover up. I have toppik though. I could always throw that on for hanging out at night with people. It's no couvre but it does something especially if your hair is around 2-3".

Thanks again man.



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catch 22

I think Nexus has hit the nail upon it's balding head. I'm in the same situation and have only just started using minoxidil. Last night I foolishly applied it to my head that already had mane spray on it (is that something similar to toppic?). Needless to say, my pillow looked like I'd dumped on it by the morning!

Only problem I see with it is that it seems likes t's too often to wash my hair - i.e. every day. Also, the cosmetic cover-ups sometimes look better after a day or two.

ANy thoughts?