minoxidil/Cu Peptide Application


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Hi All

My American Crew Revitalize pack arrived the other day and i just have a quick question with regard to application of topical minoxidil in conjunction with Cu peptide treatments.

After researching the net, the Folligen site seems to suggest that the application procedure for the products should be as follows:

i) wash hair with Cu peptide shampoos/conditioners;

ii) apply Minoxidil solution to dry/slightly damp hair;

iii) wait a few minutes for Minoxidil to dry; and then

iv) apply concentrated Cu peptide formula to scalp and massage lightly.

Does this sound like the best way to apply these products to you guys?

I would have thought it better to apply the products separately - for example Cu peptides in the morning before styling hair and Minoxodil at night before bed.

Also, i know that this has been raised before, but is it really ok to apply Minoxidil to damp hair? if so, why do all the Minoxidil products advise you to wait one hour after showering?

Thanks again



Experienced Member
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Def said:
I would have thought it better to apply the products separately - for example Cu peptides in the morning before styling hair and Minoxodil at night before bed.
Keep in mind that for minoxidil to reach peak effectiveness you have to apply it twice a day.


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I personally don't use minoxidil anymore (I gave it a good 4 bottles to try, but the irritation never stopped so I dropped it)... but I have read that you should use it when your hair is not soaking wet after a shower, but rather when it's still damp and there is some moisture on your scalp still.

I'd imagine having some wetness on your scalp would help the minoxidil absorb and be moved around a bit to cover your scalp more.

Can't hurt.. so experiment.

Otherwise, your plan sounds good.. as long as you can feel the stuff tingle your scalp, you know it's getting into the skin.

The Gardener

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You got it exactly. Apply the minoxidil, and let dry a bit first. You don't want the Cu spray to add excess moisture to the minoxidil already on your scalp, which would cause further drippage. You want to apply the Cu spray at a point when doing such will not cause drips which end up on a tissue rather than in your scalp, where you need the minoxidil.

And, don't overspray the copper peptides. Instead of 3 or 4 long squirts, I use about 6 half squirts, light squirts, 2 just dusting each side of my temples and the other 4 in parted areas of my hair in the thinning, but affected areas. Just this light dusting is enough to really improve the feeling and sensation I get in my scalp and keep it irritation-free.