Minoxidil Effect On Estrogen & Testosterone?


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I am kinda sick of the whole situation now but i am currently on my 2nd time of using minoxidil and i am almost 85% sure my joints crack and pop more when using minoxidil.

If i crouch down or even stand up from sitting my right knee cracks as if i am much older then i am and it didn't do that pre-minoxidil

i decided to do some research to try and combat it but all i can find that are possibilities is that its either collagen related or minoxidil is decreasing my testosterone or estrogen levels which if either one get really low can cause osteoporosis (brittle bones)

I am gonna make an appointment to see the doctor about it but if minoxidil is having this effect on me then i don't know if there is any way to fix it and continue to use minoxidil.
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