minoxidil/finasteride/BetaSis/Nizoral + 6 months = some hair!


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Hi Forum,

Coming out of my cave since a while...

I completely gave up on the topical spironolactone... the mix i made was too greasy, and near the end it started irratating my head...

For the last 6-7 months Ive been using:
1.25mg, http://www.medicinedrugstore.com/ every day

For the last 5 months Ive been using:
nizoral (pea sized drop after washing every 3 days)

For the last 3 months Ive been using:
325mg Beta Sisterol+sisterol combo, http://www.doctorstrust.com everyday
generic minoxidal 5% twice daily around/on the temples and front patch

I usually dont do anything for 1 or 2 days per week... There are also some pills like biotin, bilberry, mulitvitamin, isoflavone that I take almost everyday.

The top and top back of my head has thickened up some, Id say about 125% of what it was. New growth (vellous hairs finally became terminal and are about 1/2") on my left temple, especially the front left corner, even more small dark hairs are on the outer edges of my bald temple, which look promising... My right temple was worse at the beginning (horseshoe was starting to try to connect), now its filled in with smaller hairs...

Since I have grown out my hair (about 3 inches), Ive noticed that I can count the hairs in hands after I shampoo my heard, and I usually count about 8 or so, that seems fine.

All in all I'm happy with my progress and will continue my regimine just like it is. Im also happy for this forum and the other ones on the web for your help!

here are the pictures... Not the clearest of pictures, but at least you can see the progress... 4-5-2004 , 7-22-2004 and the last one is today 1-1-2005... Its more evident when looking at me in person at eye level. Jeers and cheers are all welcome, and have a happy new year!






Established Member
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Wow man congrats. You look like you are having really great progress. Best of luck with everything.

fast times

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Great progress Brian, only 3 months on minoxidil? youve got some more good luck in your future bro.


Experienced Member
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I can see you have some regrowth on top of your hair. Good luck with your regimen. You may want to cut your hair very shot on the side so your hair will look thicker on top.


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ACT10Npack said:
I can see you have some regrowth on top of your hair. Good luck with your regimen. You may want to cut your hair very shot on the side so your hair will look thicker on top.

Good idea.


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ACT1ONPACK - Good idea. I was toying around with that before doing any regimine, but now its full enough that I dont really need to do something like that... When it was around 1-2 inches long I shaved my sides shorter, they kinda stuck out and gave me a bozo the clown look, lol.

I just shaved it from it being about 3-4 inches long... Since Im using minoxidal I dont thing I'll ever grow it that long again (gets really greasey if I dont wash it everyday, even if I dont apply minoxidal everyday)...

But if my temples fill in then Im definitly going to grow it really long. But Im glad that I finally have a "mature hairline" and not a "balding hairline"... My left temple looks like it will fill in some more, hopefully the right temple will pick up the pace...

Fast times - Yea only 3 months on 5% minoxidil, I was using an expired 2% minoxidil for a month or so before that. My head does constantly tingle and itch, but I can usually ignore it. I know that if I itch it then it will just get worse and I'll probably rub the minoxidil off in the process of itching it....

I guess over the next few months I'll see how new job stress, and a new (poorer, ramen based) diet goes. I'll still take a multivitamin, but I wont be eating a lot of salads or cereals usually...



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It is f*****g working yo. Looks good! Keep marinating your mug biatch.

Best Wishes.


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Bismarck - Yeah it probably would be an option if nothing else worked, but I fundamentally dont like the idea of using those types of things, plus its winter time and Im usually wearing a hat most of the time...

freudling - :wink: will do